Hey Steve!
Did you see all the buzz about Nick Viall’s girlfriend plagiarizing 2 separate Instagram posts from another influencer (Claudia Sulewski)? Claudia wrote two separate Instagram posts dedicated to her boyfriend, who happens to be a Grammy winning musician named Finneas (also Billie Eilish’s brother). Nick’s girlfriend took both posts and word for word used it as a birthday tribute for Nick! Copying an Instagram post or quote is one thing, but a long paragraph that’s some deep declaration of your affection?!? Kinda interesting given how he treated Madi, as the Radar Online article said. Then he went on Instagram and said stuff about how secondary embarrassment doesn’t exist and it’s only a result of weak people who can’t handle a situation (guess he’s never heard of empathy). The dude’s ego is out of control and he has such a lack of self awareness. His response to this situation says it all. Anyway, just thought I’d share lol. Nothing against Natalie, most people think it’s hilarious because of what a hypocrite Nick is and how seriously he takes himself. Also slams others for dating younger women, but it’s acceptable for him because she’s so exceptionally mature and intelligent… um … okay.
Comment: Quit taking all the words out of my mouth please. Stop doing that. It’s not nice.
Hi Steve,
Enjoyed your podcast with Stephen, thanks! I’m like you where I’ve watched every season of Survivor but cannot remember details even close to as well as he can.
My question is about the filming on Survivor. How does Brad, for example, quickly create a spy shack and have a camera pointing right at him without the other two realizing? Or how do cameramen secretly follow people looking for idols? Wouldn’t it be obvious to everyone else?
Comment: It’s possible his spy shack wasn’t nearly as close as it seemed on camera. But other than that, it’s a good question. I know every time someone goes looking for idols, obviously a camera follows them. There’s numerous people with cameras, so maybe it’s not noticeable one is missing. But yeah, if Brad is 20 feet away in his spy shack eavesdropping on a convo, how do the two having the convo not see the camera focused on a tree or a bush? Unless they’re much farther away and just zooming in?
Hey Steve –
Some thoughts on the BB finale: As expected, the only possible suspense would be if Xavier lost the final HOH. I was a bit surprised during the jury’s discussion of the final 3 at how little respect they had for Big D’s game. Hannah was genuinely insulted when Kyland (who else?) compared her Cookout value to D. I did not buy Kyland’s claim that his comments to Xavier were not a personal attack. He kept muttering something about the video showing it. Pretty sure X didn’t buy it either and he just let it go as he won and Kyland didn’t. If it is ever available and you find yourself with massive time on your hands, watch season 2 for the most unorthodox winning strategy in BB history. While I love the show now, and will watch every season going forward. There’s no way I can go back and watch a previous season knowing that a season is basically 50 episodes long. I can’t.
Are you excited that The Challenge is finally going to have the vets go after one another? Sadly, I think Amber B is the first target. I’m glad since strategically, this season has sucked. Zero suspense since it’s basically people we have no connection to that have gotten picked off every week. So yeah, now it’ll start getting good.
On the podcast, Stephen F indicated he watched Survivor Australia. I would love to watch that or Romania or Turkey. Any idea if there is a way for people to see those – other than moving to those countries? Yeah, I’m not sure because I’ve never watched them nor even looked into how I could watch them. Just don’t have much interest.
I think I will need 3 different viewing sessions to get through this week’s BIP. Thank you Brendan and Pieper for making the season more interesting.
Unrelated to reality TV – have you ever tried a F’real milkshake from your local convenience store? By me, they are in QuickChek stores. I cannot believe that I like a gas station shake.
Comment: Ha ha random question, but no. Never have. That’s the name of the milkshake? The F’real? Never even heard of one.
Hi Steve! I have some behind the scenes questions for Paradise that you may or may not know. I’m just curious. Thanks!
Do Paradise cast members get paid for their covid quarantine period or their time in the hotel before hitting the beach? Or do they only get paid for their actual time on the beach? If it’s a contestant on a daily per diem, I do think every day they’re down there they are paid, but not 100% sure.
Do the Playa Escondida staff members (custodial, culinary, etc.) work at the resort during filming? I would think so.
Was the cast required to be vaccinated? What about the crew? I don’t know if it’s mandatory. I wish the show would address it. What’s wrong with being transparent? I’m not saying say who is and isn’t vaccinated. I’m just saying do like the NBA does. Say “this percentage of our cast and crew are vaccinated.”
Hypothetical: What would be the minimum daily rate to get you to go to Paradise if you were a cast member? I can’t stand the heat and am afraid of crabs, but $1,000 per day would get me there 😛
Thanks! Have a great one!
Comment: You’re going to hate this answer because I’m such an overthinker, but here it goes:
-It’s a giant hypothetical, because I’m not a former cast member. So that’s first and foremost.
-Then you ask if I WAS one. Well, if I was someone who got eliminated on night one, I don’t have much bargaining power and probably getting the lowest per diem. If I’m a middle of the roader, then again, probably a per diem, but higher than a night one person. If I’m a big name, I’m not doing per diem. I’m negotiating a flat rate no matter how long I stay.
-So now we get down to the actual pay. Again, almost impossible to answer because I don’t know what tier I’m in never having been a former contestant.
-Well, lets just say they did another season where they invited “fans” on. Remember that one, where they brought 5 randoms on “Bachelor Pad” to compete? So hey, now it’s a possibility.
-Oooooorrrrrrr maybe not since they know who I am, they’d never cast me, and I’d never want to be on anyway.
Sooooooo, basically I can’t answer your question because I totally overthought it.
Hi Steve!
Any thoughts on why Clare tagged Abigail in her break up post? Do you believe it was on accident or on purpose? Have you heard anything about Abigail being with Dale?
Comment: The story from US Weekly stated that Abigail was the one who untagged herself. So again, I guess it’s a matter of who you choose to believe.
Hi Steve!
Is this the most boring Bachelor Paradise ever? It’s been strange how long it seems to take to get to each rose ceremony. It also seems like they focused so much on Demi, Piper, etc that we really haven’t learned much about other couples… I feel like we knew so much when it was Jade and Tanner, Carly and Evan, all the old school paradise couples- this season seems to lack luster, focus one story line for wayyy to long and I’m not really invested in anyone other than Grocery Joe and Serena. (I’m a sucker for him even though I should know better)
What have been your thoughts for this season? It’s just kinda run like the other seasons to me. I can’t even rank them since they’re all the same minus the season that had the shut down, because they had no engagements at the end. That didn’t happen til the ATFR when Derek and Taylor got engaged.
On another note, do you think they will do any “getting to know your new host,” episode for Jesse? I am interested to see if they make a thing out of it. I think the stories coming out now in the press are ways to get to know him. But even if you don’t read those, the guy has hosted no less than 5 network and cable TV shows since he’s been “Bachelor.” There’s plenty out there on him. The only new thing we found out that just broke yesterday was he secretly got married to his girlfriend recently.
Thanks for your responses and for being my work procrastination reading since my intern days in 2009…
Comment: Wow. 2009. Almost a lifer. Thank you very much.
Is there an AFR for Paradise this season? If not, what airs next week (October 12th)?
Comment: Nope.
I checked the schedule because I was curious since the BIP finale is tonight, but Michelle’s season debuts in 2 weeks. So what’s running next week? Back-to-back nights of DWTS. Monday night is Disney night: Heroes Edition. Tuesday night is Disney night: Villains Edition. They’ve never done two nights of Disney that I can remember. But yep, that’s what’s happening next week.
Hi Steve,
There’s been rumors this weekend that four women on Jesse Palmer’s Bachelor season in 2004 asked to leave the first night because of something Jesse said that was problematic. Do you have any insight into this? Is there any truth to these rumors?
Comment: Since I don’t remember that at all, I asked recent podcast guest and former contestant on Jesse’s season Trish Schneider Cullins who was there and she said she didn’t remember that happening either.
Hey! So I heard Dean saying his ex girlfriend will be in Clayton’s season. Do you know who it is? Just curious…
Comment: Gabby Windey.
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.