-We begin by finding out the pool party was cancelled by the rain. You know, because god forbid they got wet. Yeah, explain that one. If they were already gonna be in the pool…forget it. My mind might explode. So instead of that, they just shoehorned the guys into skimpy speedos so Gabby and Rachel could objectify them. You know, pretty much how they do every season. And don’t get me wrong, it works both ways. On the “Bachelor,” they make sure to have women in bikinis, lingerie, or as many athletic sports bras as possible every single season. Yeah, this show really does care about inclusion, racism, diversity, bullying, and all that good stuff they try and BS you on every season. You know why I know this? Because they told us so again last night, re-posting an IG message from 2020:
1) You’re clearly not deleting comments that are nasty towards your cast members. Have you looked at how many negative and nasty comments are underneath that post?
2) Kinda falls on deaf ears when you’re essentially bullying last seasons lead in your first episode
3) Again falls of deaf ears when hosts of your own Bachelor related podcasts have no problems taking shots at others in the franchise
But hey, keep up the façade. I’m sure there are few lemmings out there that buy it.
-In the “Objectifying of Men Pageant,” (or whatever they called it), the guys came out in a speedo, had to share a talent, and answer a question. Considering there were all 29 in this group date, they pretty much whisked through it. Outside of Logan, who was the first one to go, I don’t think anyone got more than :05-:10 secs shown of them. The one that stood out was Meatball. Yes, because he brought a meatball sub in his limo entrance, he’s now just being called Meatball on the show. His parents must be proud. Funny movie thought. Woodie the Wabbit. Woodie the Wabbit. If you don’t get my 1979 movie reference, then I’m sorry. We can no longer be friends.
-Six guys out of the 29 were picked to meet with the women later that night because, ummmm, I guess they impressed them with either their banana hammocks, their talent, or the answer to their question – most of which we never saw. The 6 men picked were Aven, Logan, Brandon, Jason, Johnny, and Collin. Logan ended up kissing both of them separately, and Johnny kissed Gabby. So take a wild stab at which two guys got the group date roses? You guessed it. And oh yeah, if you think I’ll be mixing up Johnny and Logan all season, you’d be right. Jogan. Lohnny. Same dude basically. Well, except for the fact that Johnny is now engaged to Victoria Fuller after Paradise filming, who had to watch her man tongue down Gabby last night.
-Jason spoke with Rachel and was honest by telling her he’s felt a connection with Gabby. We know obviously how far Jason gets (at least) with her, so this was more or less a storyline just to set up what to expect come next episode. Rachel began doubting herself and if guys were there for her, etc. This will continue into next weeks episode where we’ll see an ultimatum essentially laid down, and the women will need to know where the guys stand, and that’s where they start handing roses specifically for guys they’re interested in. And don’t think by them showing you Logan kiss both women last night that wasn’t setting up his struggle moving forward. We’ve seen in the previews he’s basically in a love triangle.