Reality Steve

Bachelor in Paradise

“Bachelor in Paradise” – Episode 6 Thoughts, Michael & Danielle Answers, & Your Daily Roundup

Photo Credit: ABC

With regards to filming, they’re wrapping up in London and headed to their next destination for episode 6. Don’t know where it is yet but I’ll let you know as soon as I find out. I have all your dates and eliminations as of now. Once the final 4 is established, I’ll post it all for you in one place so you don’t have to piece stuff together from different columns like you did for BIP until last week when I put it all in one column. Yes, I’ve seen other accounts trying to figure out who is still around and who isn’t based off social media activity and, well, that’s completely different than what I do. I actually give you the answer while others guess and speculate. If I guessed and speculated and said, “I think this is who’s left, but I’m not sure,” you’d crucify me for it and tell me I know nothing. So just take whatever else you see out there with a grain of salt. You’ll have all your dates and eliminations in a couple weeks. The only spoiler I’ve really given you so far, well two, are the Tahzjuan being a part of the judging group date then trying to become a contestant on the show in episode 2, and Alyssa getting a 1-on-1 in episode 3 at the winery in Santa Barbara. Your other two 1-on-1’s in LA, who was on all the LA group dates, who got the 1-on-1’s in Bahamas and London – you’ll be getting all that soon.

So the most hilarious thing to also come from last nights episode was clearly the performance of Peter Pizza, who couldn’t have made a bigger ass of himself as he tried. I think my tweet last night pretty much says it all:

What an ass clown. Casey had every right to tell Brittany that he was shit talking her, so I hope nobody is getting on Casey’s case for that. He did nothing wrong. Brittany and Jill confronting Peter like they did was totally warranted to and his reaction was pretty much expected from a narcissistic dbag like he is. He’s the epitome of someone who isn’t remotely self-aware and is clueless about how relevant he thinks he is. Good riddance. Hopefully forever.

It seems like the show is just formatting things a bit differently this season. With the 16 episode season now, it’s like each of their favorites is getting one episode that’s mostly dedicated to them. Earlier this season, we saw Genevieve have an episode where she got double the screen time of anyone else. Then Jared and Ashley last Monday got double the screen time than anyone else. Last night, it was Michael. Look at his total screen time compared to everyone else last night:

Is this “Lost” now where each major contestant gets a “backstory” episode? That’s what it seems like. But instead of a backstory we just get them having way more ITM’s than anyone else. And watch, probably tonight Michael and Danielle will barely get any time. The editing and how these episodes are put together are so wonky. I know you’ve now got close to 30 people on the beach, so I get that not everybody is going to get equal time, but it’s SO lopsided towards certain people, how do you expect the audience to be invested in other couples?

I get that Jesse never told the women they’d be getting their own group of men when they had to leave the beach, but c’mon, did ALL of them actually think they were just gonna sit in a hotel and twiddle their thumbs for 3-4 days while their men dated the new women? Like, none of them thought for a second maybe they’d be giving them 5 guys as well? Or did they just act devastated for the camera because that made better TV? Either way, they’ll be getting their men beginning tonight, even though only two of them I believe form connections – Brittany with Tyler, and…crap, forgot the other one. I know Rick, Olu, and Alex don’t form connections and I’m blanking on who the 5th guy is. Oh, that dude from Australia. I forget what happens with him. It’s in the spoilers, but I haven’t looked at those since basically July so I’ve forgotten. I think he leaves too. As for the women, we know Kate makes a name for herself. Sarah has to leave because her grandmother died. Eliza makes Rodney dump Lace for her. Florence sticks around and I believe Andrew couples with Jessenia.

So we’ll be back tomorrow with some thoughts on tonight’s episode and maybe I’ll give you a few teasers in regards to Zach’s filming. Enjoy tonight’s episode, and don’t stick 23 contact lenses in your eye.

Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.

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