Hi Steve!
I try to listen to the daily podcast, not sure if I missed something on there or if some big sporting event or concert is happening and I’m just living under a rock, but do you know why all the bachelor people are in Dubai this weekend? Matt James, Tayshia, and Jason Tartick are all there.
Comment: Only one I follow is Jason and I still didn’t pay enough attention as to why they were there. So I’m not sure.
Hi Steve,
As you mentioned in your Daily Roundup today, I too am perplexed as to why the show’s promos are downplaying the typical drama. This morning I also listened to Chris Harrison’s new podcast and it clicked–I wonder if producers are trying to get away from the “drama” since Chris’ podcast has “drama” in its title. Maybe it’s their way of enhancing the gap between what was with Chris and now what is with Jesse. Just a thought. Well they can say it all they want that there’s less drama this season, but until we see it, I don’t believe it.
Love your podcasts and appreciate the work that you do. Start stretching to prepare for tonight.
P.S. Any idea when The Traitors will be available for free on Peacock? I watched the first episode after hearing you talk about it, loved it, but then realized the other episodes require a paid subscription.
Comment: I didn’t realize it wasn’t free on Peacock. For me it was. Do you have to have Premium Peacock for it be free? That’s the only thing I can think of. I know there two levels of the Peacock streaming service and I have the higher one, so maybe that’s it? I don’t know.
Hey Steve ~
It’s hard to be a Cowboys fan.
It’s funny I was 8 when I became a “fan” bcuz it was during their glory days in 92-96 and I’ve stuck with Americas Team ever since.
I personally think we need to move on from Dak but I don’t see that happening.
Just like Romo was average/good and he didn’t get us anywhere.
BUT speaking of Tony…I think he and Greg should announce every football game moving forward bcuz they are both phenomenal.
To me, they are both the best at what they do.
Having to listen to Collinsworth, Moose, or even Troy and Joe Buck is never fun. Collinsworth knows X’s and O’s well, I just get tired of him basically praising everyone. He’s not very critical of players. Moose is solid. And Buck and Aikman, to me, are the best announcing team in the NFL.
I just wanted to make mention too that Brock Purdy played at Iowa State. I think you just misspoke bcuz it sounded like you said Ohio State vs Oklahoma.
Brock deserves to be the starting QB of SF if he takes them to the Super Bowl…I can’t imagine the stock he will have with tons of other teams if SF sits him for Trey next year. Yeah, I mentioned this on the next day’s Sports Daily pod that I know he played at Iowa St, but the way I pronounced it it did seem like it could be interpreted as Ohio. Ohio/Iowa. I said it too fast. And if he takes them to the Super Bowl, he absolutely will be the starting QB next year. Hell, he might be the starter even if he loses on Sunday. Starting a career 8-1. Fits their system perfectly. I don’t see why they wouldn’t want him as starter. Only issue is a healthy Trey Lance next season. What do you do with him?
Really love listening to this podcast every morning.
The deep dive stats are the best.
I’m not into gambling but I appreciate when you talk about it bcuz you are teaching me terminology I’ve been hearing for years but never understood.
Comment: I try not to use too many gambling terms because I know non-gamblers might get lost. Maybe if I do, I should explain what they mean. I’ll pay attention to it more.
Hi Steve,
Thank you for answering my previous questions, both thru here & thru IG.
You had Rose Pricks on your Thursday podcast a few weeks ago. I had a question about the Bachelor & Bachelorette, as it pertained to a topic that was discussed on that show. Y’all discussed the fact that Zach & Rachel had their falling out on the fantasy suite date & perhaps it was regarding politics, since Rachel is a Democrat & Zach is a Republican. My question is ~ up until the fantasy suite night, does production not allow the contestants & the lead to have any conversations regarding politics, religion, etc? Are they not allowed to talk about serious matters like that on their individual or group dates? I know they stick to a schedule during those dates, but do they not have any downtime where filming isn’t happening to ask questions like this? It’s crazy to think you can’t have any of those kinds of conversations (even off camera) while on your regular dates… but then again, nothing this show does surprises me! Are they allowed to? Sure. Is it discouraged by production? For the most part, yes. Because producers would rather them talk about positive things, and how much in love someone is, and if they’re falling in love, blah blah blah. That’s what the audience wants to hear. Yes, for the relationship to ultimately work, finding out those compatible things immediately would be helpful, but I know in the past the show has stepped in and told people to stop talking about certain topics. And we’ve never seen one shown either, so that should tell you what you need to know.
Also, 2nd random question ~ do you know how far away is the mansion to where the lead stays? Just curious! It’s right up the road like a mile or two away.
Thanks for all the spoilers ~ you truly make watching this show fun, ESPECIALLY because I know how the season will end by your spoilers!
Hi Steve –
Like last year, did you place any Super Bowl bets at the beginning of the season? If so, are your bets still alive? Ah hah! Maybe you should listen to The Sports Daily Podcast where I have mentioned this the last couple weeks. Yes, before the season I put 4 SB winner bets in: Chargers, Ravens, Eagles, and Dolphins. I never pick the favorites in pre-season. There’s no fun in that. Always like to look for middle of the road teams that are between 10/1 and 25/1. So obviously my only one left is the Eagles, and I got them at 23.5/1 pre-season. Clearly I’m rooting for them this weekend.
Have Taylor Swift tickets come down in price or are the professional ticket scalpers holding firm? So far, holding pretty firm. I’ve seen top deck tickets at AT&T Stadium here in Dallas come down almost $100. But 100 section? Still all over $1000 each, some at $2000-$2500. Still over 2 months away though, and like I said then, those scalpers aren’t TSwift fans. It’s not like if the tickets don’t sell, they’re gonna be like, “Oh well might as well go to the concert.” They have zero intention of going to the concert. So the closer we get, if they don’t sell, they HAVE to lower their price. It’s a game of chicken at this point. How long do I wait? That’s the question.
On The Challenge, are you buying into the storyline that we should care about Nany or Aneesa getting a first win? In my mind, they have had enough chances and the way they are framing the story so far, the credit will go to Bananas or Jordan if they do win. I don’t think Aneesa can handle the final. Are you cheering for a particular team? While Jordan is arrogant, I loved hearing his strategy for beating Chauncey. Jordan completely mind fucked Chauncey to beat him. That was a master class he put on by just being a veteran who’s done this numerous times.
A win is a win, but, not all wins are created equal. Yes, if either of those two teams win, most likely the sentiment will be because their partner was Bananas or Jordan. You just can’t compare it to a season where a woman competed only against other women in the final and won. That’s just facts.
I binge watched Special Forces. Great decision to cast mostly older contestants with issues and fears. It would be terrible with people like Bananas, Jordan, etc. who would be like “That’s all we need to do staff?” The main flaw has been weak explanations for voluntary withdrawal (“It’s my wife’s birthday.”). I am not familiar with Kenworthy, but he is looking like an a-hole. It was just pretty obvious from the get go who was gonna last and who wasn’t. Zero people were shocked that Kate Gosselin and Beverly Mitchell quit. The only quitter that surprised me was Nastia, just being a former athlete, quit is usually not in their vocabulary. Not to mention her logic for quitting since hasn’t made and sense to me.
I’m probably alone in this but I would like to see an all female Survivor followed by an all male version. Will never happen.
Comment: They did have that one season of Male vs Female. I believe that was Amazon. And the women dominated. I think that’s the closest we’ll get.
Thoughts on the “less drama” marketed for this season and your daily roundup podcast on Monday: I took it to mean not that there is not any drama overall, but that the season is more serious in tone and more focused on the romance – there can still be plenty of “drama” related to that and it seems from the promo that there will be. I think they leaned into Zach’s intentions and (hopefully) listened to the public saying they wanted more of a love story like the older seasons — as opposed to the trend of the last several seasons of essentially messing with their leads. In the older seasons the lead was put on a pedestal, in recent seasons not so much. For example, Clayton started out his season reading mean tweets about himself, and on his first night we barely saw the girls talking about him to one another. Zach, they gave him the best edit they possibly could last night – the tone was much more serious and heavy on the romance. Not sure what Zach did to convince them that he wasn’t going to be made a fool if he took on the role, but it seems to have worked so far.
Comment: I definitely remember plenty of women complimenting Clayton on night 1. So I don’t think it’s that. But as an earlier email response said, I think we’ll see as we go forward how much truth there is to it. I’ll believe it when I see it.
Do you see Charity as the Bachelorette? I feel like after just the first episode I can see it. I could see any of his top 5 women as the Bachelorette: Charity, Kaity, Katherine, Gabi, or Ariel. I mean, we’re only one episode in so we barely know them yet, but they all seem to have qualities that could be Bachelorette.
Have you ever spoken to Zachary Reality?
Comment: When I did IG lives back during the pandemic and brought people in on video, he popped in once. That was the only time.
And probably the last.
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.