-Barbie date time and when we saw this date filming in action that day and getting photos & videos, it looked ridiculous. It lived up to its hype. I mean, some of those costumes? Did Dotun look anything like an astronaut? And why did he have a wig like that? I know they were all supposed to be different versions of Ken, but it didn’t make much sense to me. Guess I’m not up to date on all things Barbie which, in case you haven’t noticed, is taking over pop culture for the next week. I swear every story I see is Barbie related or everything in this world is becoming pink. Awful. Anyway, I’d say the most important outfit of the date was Jordan Rodgers shirt for the competition. Holy Ross Gellar, where were the matching leather pants with those? I was so intrigued by what the hell he was wearing, I had to ask. And my new BFF who plays with my drum set answered:
Pleather ?? also doubles as a great sauna suit for cardio because I was sweating my ass off under that thing ??
— Jordan Rodgers (@JRodgers11) July 11, 2023
-I guess so the show wasn’t ALL about Brayden and how he acts, someone got to Sean and told him, “Hey, after you win the Barbie competition and get alone time with Charity, be sure to be totally obnoxious about it next time you see the guys. You know what you should do? Walk into the room singing the song that won you the extra time with her. That’ll go over GREAT!” Sean listened and basically pissed everyone off in the process. How he thought that’d be a good idea is beyond me, but hey, that’s the power of production. Not only are you the only guy to get alone time with her that day, immediately making the other guys side eye you, you walk in late to an after party with 11 guys chomping at the bit to see her and here you are bouncing off walls singing your stupid song. Yeah, not a good look. But hey, for about :14 seconds we got to stop talking about Brayden, sooooooooo…win?
-What’s funny is, and this happens all the time, it was a 12 person group date and the only significant time they showed any of the guys having with her at the after party were John and Dotun. Briefly showed Michael and Tanner, but only 2 of the 12 were even featured and, well, Dotun got to go back to her room because she wanted him to and they made out. So clearly that was done on purpose. Charity is smitten. It’s like Zach giving the second 1-on-1 date of the season to Kaity and it being an overnight date. Why did she take Dotun back to her room at a group date after party but no one else? I mean, I guess it’s possible others got to go back there and it was never shown, but that’s not how it was presented. Dotun and Charity, sittin’ in a tree…
-Is there really anything to say about the Warwick date? There isn’t other than this. As is the case every season, Warwick was chosen for that date specifically so he could get sent home. Production already knows who the lead is feeling and isn’t. Sometimes we never have a person getting sent home on a 1-on-1 during a season. This one we did, and it was obvious from the minute she picked him they’d just decided this was the way Warwick would leave the show versus at a rose ceremony. Hell, they even showed the other guys talking about him making sure they were saying how quiet he was then he gets on the date with Charity and he’s basically a mute. Essentially it was a way for them to embarrass Warwick knowing that he had no business being awarded that 1-on-1. And they didn’t even drag it out by having Charity struggling with her decision, maybe getting up and talking with production like Rachel did last season with Jordan V. Nope. Just sitting there at dinner and not much in depth conversation at all. Just says they’re on two different pages, doesn’t offer the rose, he’s fine with it, gets in the car, and falls asleep. Thanks for coming, Warwick.
-The cocktail party for the rose ceremony was the Aaron B. vs Brayden battle. Aaron used his time with Charity to tell her Brayden wasn’t there for the right reasons and admitted to doubting whether he could propose at the end. Charity then pulls Brayden aside, he doesn’t deny he said it, and even tells her “I can give you a connection, and that’s all I can give you.” Again, realistically the most logical thing to say, but on this show, that doesn’t work. The lead doesn’t want to hear that and that’s where I’m sure Charity knew he wasn’t long for the show and Brayden was on his last legs. But the other guys are also pissed at Aaron because they now get less time with Charity since she had to pull Brayden aside again. But lets be honest, it really didn’t matter. She already knew her decision of what 3 guys were getting sent home at the rose ceremony anyway. Whether she had to waste more time with Brayden or not didn’t matter.
-Rose ceremony time. Brayden and Dotun safe with roses. Charity: “Whole week has been great…challenging week for me…willing to put their all into this entire thing…and if anyone dares make me scoop my own ice cream again, there will be hell to pay I tell ya’. Peace out, Warwick.”
Aaron B.: Playing the producer game to perfection.
Caleb: For a wrestler, not a bad voice. I’d just rather see him suplex someone than sing.
Xavier: Knitting his way to her heart.
Joey: He kissed her this episode, so there’s that.
Michael: I have no idea who you are dude. Sorry.
John: Has he gotten a kiss all 3 episodes?
Sean: He just looks like a character from “Frozen” but I can’t remember who.
“Gentleman, Charity, it’s the final rose tonight. When you’re ready. Also while we’re at it, I wanna thank wardrobe for not putting me in a blazer and jeans on the beach this week. Appreciate it guys.”
Tanner gets the final rose, but the drama was whether or not Charity was gonna come back and take Brayden’s rose off of him. And well, it was only drama if you didn’t read the spoilers because we all know damn well he wasn’t leaving this episode.
Next week? The conclusion to our Brayden drama! Thank God. Chickens, geese, and all feathered animals around the world can rejoice.
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