So you heard me mention a month ago I was hearing BIP was being postponed/cancelled for this calendar year. Then yesterday I mentioned how Chris Harrison in his podcast also said he’d heard BIP was being pushed back to next year. Then yet ANOTHER podcaster, Juliet Litman from Bachelor Party (who hates me now by the way and I have no idea why) said on her podcast that she’s hearing as well BIP isn’t coming back this year. Are all these people just taking my info and running with it? Well, if they are, they aren’t crediting me. So I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and say they’re hearing it from other places like I did. With Juliet, we know she has a relationship with Rob Mills, Head of Alternative Programming for ABC, because he’s been on her podcast numerous times. Just going out on a limb here, but I’m guessing that’s who Juliet is hearing it from. And if she wasn’t, and that info wasn’t true, Rob would probably drop her an email to tell her that’s not accurate. So yeah, looking more and more like no BIP this season.
Don’t forget to get your Reader Emails in for tomorrow by emailing me at Or hit me up on IG messenger or Twitter DM. Not a lot in there right now, so by all means, get your goodies in there this week to appear in tomorrow’s column. A lot to get to in last night’s episode as I’m sure people have their opinions.
I have an update on the Fan Appreciation Party in Las Vegas happening on June 7th. The location has been secured. It’s going to be the at the Grand Lux Café in the Venetian Hotel. This is going to be the best one yet I believe. I’ve eaten there plenty of times and their menu is fantastic. Think Cheesecake Factory with their 30 pages of food – and then some. We’re going to have six appetizers and an open beer and wine bar. And for the first time, if you do want to purchase a drink that’s not beer and wine, you can. You just pay for it on the spot. But beer and wine is covered for the party. About 40 of you have already RSVP’d so I have about 40 spots left. It is first come, first serve. I can’t go over a 100 this year because they are charging per head. I need to save about 20 spots for people in my party that I believer are coming. More might open up to you guys. All depends on how many of those 20 I can fill.
If you’ve already been emailed by me that you’re on the list, nothing more you need to do other than wait til I send emails out regarding the party. Probably send one today for those that aren’t reading this or listened to today’s podcast. Outside of that, if you still want to attend, your flight itinerary is your confirmation into the party. If you’re driving, it’s your hotel confirmation. If you’re local, it’s your promise that you won’t flake. Last year was the first time everyone who RSVP’d showed up. Lets see if we can match that again. Emergencies happen, I get that. But outside of that, just need everyone who RSVP’s to show up since I’m being charged per head this year. Can’t wait for this years party. See you there.
This is the best breakdown of how the remaining contestants are doing this season that combines their on-air time along with their IG following. @BachelorData killing it:
Bachelor Data drone show