Reality Steve

Are You the One?

  • Are You the One?

    “Are You the One?” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 9 Recap

    Photo Credit: MTV

    We’ve officially reached the point in Are You the One? where it’s hard to know just who to root for. Several of the contestants have by now proved themselves to be completely loathsome in terms of how they process frustration and anger. Others seem entirely committed to forever being defined by the insulting tags MTV anointed them with that define how they typically behave in relationships. Are we really expected to root for “The Forever Side Piece” even as she continues to vie to be that Side Piece? Is anyone desperately pulling for a man who, by his own admission, morphs into an aggressive beast when he gets angry? As a viewer, I’m starting to feel just as pissed off as some of the people … Continue reading

  • Are You the One?

    “Are You the One?” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 7 & 8 Recaps

    Photo Credit: MTV

    So the last episode ended with the group only nailing one new measly beam of light and Terrence J telling them their process has been nothing but trash. The episode also ended with Zak rolling his eyes at Bria’s continuing stalker tendencies, which means the two of them will surely hook up tonight because Zak is the only person on the planet who saw Fatal Attraction and walked away thinking that being flattered was the point of the movie.

    Since they’ve now collectively been told they’re idiots, the group decides a house meeting is in order. Haven’t they already had house meetings? And didn’t they also just come back from a Relationship Retreat From Hell that was designed to help them revamp their picking process? … Continue reading

  • Are You the One?

    “Are You the One?” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 6 Recap

    Photo Credit: MTV

    After the relationship retreat – where exes showed up to berate people they’ve already spent years emotionally abusing – finally ends, it’s time to get back to a more standard episode (complete with the more standard forms of abuse) of Are You the One? It’s morning now on the island and rain is falling in great buckets from the sky. Neon paint is potentially forever tattooed on the dirty feet of our contestants and Samantha is ready to move far beyond the bullsh*t of her ex and into a relationship where the guy she’s with is more than happy to post her face all over his Instagram. Over in the yoga yurt, Asia and Tevin are doing some deep breathing exercises before he explains that … Continue reading

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