Reality Steve

Bachelor Arie Spoilers

  • Bachelor Arie Spoilers

    Big “Bachelor” Update, Where They’re Headed for Episode #4, & (EXCLUSIVE) 5 More Girls Confirmed for Next Season


    We’re full of “Bachelor” news today, aren’t we. You’re going to get pictures from yesterday’s date at the Grove, 5 more girls confirmed for the season, where they’re headed next, then my thoughts on the DLo/Rachel/Vanessa issue. You had to email in advance to be in attendance at the group date yesterday, and you’ll see in some of the pictures, there was a small crowd seated in front of the stage. But none of those people were allowed to take pictures as production was being very strict again. All the pictures and videos that did get out on social media last night were from people who were just standing in the back, or walking by, or saw the girls as they were walking towards the … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Arie Spoilers

    Last Two “Bachelor” Group Dates & (EXCLUSIVE) Three More Girls Confirmed for Next Season

    Photo Credit: Good Morning America

    No “Daily Links” today because there’s a lot of “Bachelor” stuff to cover. Episode 3 began filming yesterday with a group date in Port Hueneme. More on that in a minute. Lets first get to the pictures that were released from Sunday’s group date in Ventura as 15 girls went on a Demolition Derby date. Sites Just Jared and Daily Mail had plenty of pictures from the date which you can see by clicking the links. However, I cannot post those pictures on my website. I can only link to them. Those sites pay for the those pictures taken by paparazzi services, so even if I link to it, and even though some of the pictures are watermarked, you’re … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Arie Spoilers

    “Daily Links” – 9/22 & (EXCLUSIVE) Two More Girls For This Season of the “Bachelor”

    Photo Credit: US Weekly

    Filming officially begins today on the “Bachelor.” Well, the first rose ceremony already happened on Wednesday night, but it means dates start today. Keeping with their schedule of the last 3 or 4 seasons, it’ll be a group date today. Will it be public? Only time will tell. I’ll keep my eyes peeled on social media if anyone sees them, but considering next episodes two group dates are both public, I’d be pretty surprised if today’s got out. Social media every season is hit or miss, especially when they’re still in LA. Sometimes dates are out in the open for people to see and it’s all over social media, and sometimes it just takes a little luck to find out where they are. Last season’s … Continue reading

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