Reality Steve

Dr. Reality Steve

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #9 with Kacie Gaston (formerly Kacie B.) & a “Dr. Reality Steve” Call & Emails


    Long time readers of this column might understand a little bit more about what I’m going to say than say if you started reading this site 364 days ago. Today is a pretty memorable anniversary, as exactly one year ago today, my sweet Maddie passed away. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about her. I haven’t talked about it much since it happened because it’s just still too hard for me. She was the only dog I’ve ever owned, I haven’t gotten a new one, I get asked all the time if I’m going to and my answer remains the same, “I don’t know. I just know I’m not ready yet.” One thing that I have not done in the … Continue reading

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #8 with “Bachelor Pad ” Winner Nick Peterson Along with “Dr. Reality Steve” Emails


    I’ve told you since I started the podcast that I’d love to have nothing but former contestants on every week to give an update on what they’re doing, talk about their time on the show, etc. Obviously I wouldn’t be able to do anyone on Nick’s season (or any future season that’s in production or then currently airing), but there’s nothing legally that prevents me from talking to former contestants. Maybe some of the content we talk about could be off limits, but them just coming on isn’t. However, a lot of these contestants are still “scared” so to speak of the ABC brass hounding them, or asking whey they’re associating with me. So of course my pool of candidates then becomes limited. But luckily … Continue reading

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #7 with Special Guest the “Possessionista” Dana Weiss Along with “Dr. Reality Steve” Emails


    One thing I’ve been reiterating in regards to my podcast since I started was I wanted to open this up to people with differing points of view. Hell, if I had my wish, I’d love to have a caller on every week that isn’t a fan of mine, doesn’t like me, trashes me online, but has never personally emailed me. I think that’d be great. I’m giving anyone who wants the forum to say something to me that they’ve said to their freinds or online where 17 people see it to now say it to my face. Will it happen? Probably not. Because that’s what make them trolls. They’re brave behind a computer, but would never actually confront me with it. Our guest this week … Continue reading

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