Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #400 – Interview with Clayton Echard (incl Video & Transcripts)


    Well, it’s 2024 and I’ve finally joined the rest of us here. Today is the debut of the weekly podcast on YouTube, and what better guest to have than Clayton Echard for #400. Every week now not only will the podcast be available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, but will also be up on my YouTube channel. I’ve embedded the video below. Clayton is about as raw and real in this interview as you can get. The first 30 minutes talk about the legal mess he’s been in for the last year, but it’s more focused on his mental health and, this being the first time I’ve interviewed him, we got to talking about his season of the Bachelor, which I found fascinating. Clayton couldn’t … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #399 – Interview with Suzana Somers, @BachelorData on IG (with transcripts)


    Joined today by one of my favorite podcast guests, Suzana Somers, @BachelorData on IG. Always great having her on because of the info she provides. She’s built up her page to be the foremost authority on Bachelor statistics from screen time, first impression roses, to hometown dates, to first out of the limo, etc. The list goes on. If you’ve never checked out her IG page and you’re a die hard Bachelor fan who’s always had questions maybe about the statistics and probabilities of the show, her IG is the way to go. When we recorded yesterday, during the middle of it is when the news that BIP is returning next summer came down so we discuss that as well. Also, she discusses Jenn’s ratings … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #397 – Interview with Humberto Preciado, Prosecutor For The State Of Arizona & Husband of Courtney Robertson (And Transcripts)


    On my first YouTube live stream in 7 years last Saturday night, I brought Humberto Preciado on, an Arizona state prosecutor and husband of Courtney Robertson, to get his thoughts on the Clayton/Laura Owens case. He was so good and got positive reviews, I figured I would I replay it for those of you who didn’t watch on YouTube. Not to mention, I had at least 5 emails out for guests this week and didn’t get timely responses. So it was only fitting to re-run Humberto’s appearance. There is about a minute in there where his audio cuts in and out. And also, Dave Neal was on the YouTube live with me at the time and he chimed in with questions of his own. A … Continue reading

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