Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #85 – Interview with Leah Block


    For the most part, I’d say 95% of the people who’ve come on my podcast I don’t have much contact with before they come on. Other than contacting them and asking to do it and then having a little bit of a back and forth, that’s it. Today’s guest is different. Ever since my trip to Denver over Memorial Day Weekend, Leah Block has been someone I would consider a friend, so I’m glad you get to hear her today. She was on Ben’s season and lasted til the final 9 and went on BIP 3. Her casting process, her encounter with Lace before the season, to describing all her group dates, and of course, she had quite the interesting exit on Ben’s season. Everything … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    The “Bachelorette” Becca – Episode 6 Recap, “He Said, She Said” Episode 1 with Ashley Spivey, & Chris Has an Apology

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So first off, just want to say Happy Birthday to my niece Olivia who turns 14 today, which is crazy to think. Seems like just yesterday she was showing up on my Video blogs with her brother talking about how “Wizards of Waverly Place” was her favorite show. She doesn’t read this so I feel I can share her birthday present publicly. Got her tickets to the Taylor Swift concert here in Dallas in October. She’s going to be so excited. I mean, I guess I’ll have to tag along with her since no one else in the family will want to go. Oh well. Twist my arm why don’t you. Ok fine. So it’s a present both of us can enjoy together. We celebrated … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #84 – Interview with Marikh Mathias

    As we know with this show, when you have 25-30 contestants every season, it’s basically impossible for every single person to get an equal amount of camera time. Even as they dwindle down the numbers through eliminations, we know how this show works with only a handful of people every season getting a lot of the camera time and the others getting very minimal. Our Podcast #84 guest, Marikh Mathias, happened to be part of the latter group on Arie’s season. She lasted 5 episodes but we don’t really know much about her – until today. One of the reasons I enjoy doing the podcast, is it allows me, and you the listener, to get to know these contestants in an unedited, unfiltered forum, which … Continue reading

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