Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #80 – Interview with Ashley Spivey & the Final Episode of the “He Said, She Said” Podcast with Sharleen Joynt


    Ahhhh, it’s been a great birthday week. Nothing like a few hatred filled emails filling my inbox just because they don’t like a podcast guest coming up. Yes, today is birthday #43 for me. Yippee. Anyway, Ashley Spivey is my guest today in case you didn’t know by now. She was the center of the firestorm of the Garrett Instagram controversy since it was her tweets and IG story of his screen shots last Friday that were sent to her to which the media picked up on. We talk about how it all came to be, why she did it, how did ABC overlook this, how do you think Becca will handle this (although we’ve seen a bunch of her statements yesterday. We recorded this … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #79 – Interview with Former “Bachelorette” Meredith Phillips


    Podcast #79 is finally upon us and it’s a very open and candid interview with “Bachelorette” #2, Meredith Phillips. In this podcast, Meredith reveals for the first time a story of alleged sexual abuse that happened to her while she was the Bachelorette. You will hear once she tells me this I’m pretty stunned by the story hence the awkward silence and long pauses, etc. She did not reveal the name of the alleged perpetrator, so there really is no way for me to confirm the details. But as with any story where we are hearing only one side, I would encourage everyone to keep an open mind until all sides of the story are told, if they ever are. That said, I am glad … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #78 – Interview with “Reality Blurred’s” Andy Dehnart & Info on Last Night’s Tweet


    A very fun TV conversation today with the creator of, Andy Dehnart. I’ve read Andy’s stuff for years, you’ve seen me link to his writings numerous times on Twitter, so I wanted to have him on to talk about media/TV in general. Andy also teaches media classes at Stetson University which is something we dive into right away since I wanted to know what media classes nowadays are like versus when Andy and I were both in college in the last 90’s. We also talk about the bane of our existence in running a website, and that’s advertising. For those that complain about internet ads, I hope you take the time to listen to the discussion we have on it. We then get into … Continue reading

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