Reality Steve


  • Podcasts

    Podcast #186 – Interview with Lacey Mark


    Back to talking some “Bachelor” this week as we’re joined by Lacey Mark from Nick’s season and BIP 4. She wasn’t around too long on Nick’s season, but she made it to the end of BIP in a relationship with Daniel Maguire – or so she thought. She rehashes what happened, how they were an “item” before the season even began, and what changed during their overnight date among other things. A lot of fun getting caught up with a contestant from the past that hasn’t done many interviews in a while. Before her, I discuss a few things going on in Bachelor Nation including my thoughts on Rachel and Becca’s podcast earlier this week. There are so many good podcasts out there now discussing … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #185 – Interview with Taylor Nolan


    Always great having Taylor Nolan on as this is her third time on the podcast I believe. However this time we don’t really dive into too much Bachelor Nation stuff. I get her opinion on Hannah’s apology from this past weekend, but the rest of the time is spent talking about what’s been going on in society the last week or so. It might be uncomfortable for some of you. Some of you may be sick of it. I hope not, but just know, Taylor is about as outspoken as there is in Bachelor Nation right now about race relations in this country. Along with Rachel Lindsey and Ashley Spivey, she’s done so much on her IG to educate and answer a lot of people’s … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #184 – Interview with “Big Brothers” Tommy Bracco

    Photo Credit: Curtis Brown Photography

    Some more “Big Brother” talk this week as we’re joined by a fan favorite from season 21, Tommy Bracco. After I had Kat Dunn on the podcast about 5 weeks ago, Tommy had hit me up telling me how much he enjoyed the podcast, I told him I’d love to have him on, and here he is. Tommy was someone who while watching the show, even though it was my first BB season ever watching, I was convinced was gonna win the show. He made it to final 5, we as the audience were shown that Cliff and Nicole were gonna keep him, but they ultimately turned and voted him out. We discuss that and much, much more in today’s podcast. Also, I decided to … Continue reading

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