Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Bachelor Zach Spoilers

    “Bachelor in Paradise” – Social Media Wars, the Salley Storyline, Zach’s 1-on-1 Yesterday, & “Reader Emails”


    So here’s a weird thing. It’s Wednesday morning and I do not have a guest for tomorrow’s Thursday podcast. So unless something comes up today (which I doubt), I think what I’m gonna do is “Reader Emails” that I didn’t get to this week and maybe tell the Salley story earlier than I’d planned. On today’s Daily Roundup, I said that I was gonna wait til next Tuesday because it looks like we’re gonna see Salley show up on Monday’s episode, so I wanted to wait until we see what’s shown there and then share everything I’ve heard behind the scenes. But with no podcast guest tomorrow as of now, and the fact that Salley was only on the beach for like an hour, maybe … Continue reading

  • Bachelorette Gabby/Rachel Spoilers

    “Reader Emails” and (EXCLUSIVE) a Finale Update You Don’t Want to Miss

    Photo Credit: ABC

    I thought today I was gonna start off talking a little football with NFL season starting tomorrow night. I’m on the Rams (+2.5) because it’s kinda bizarre the defending SB champ is a dog a home to start the season. I believe the last 22 SB champs are 19-3 in that opening night game. And you’re giving me 2.5 pts? I’ll take it. Anyway, that was the plan. Until it wasn’t. Jesse Palmer comes on the end of last night’s episode and basically throws a wet blanket on the whole season by telling everyone the final two episodes are going to be (fill in the blank with whatever superlative you want). Once I saw that, I knew he wasn’t messing around. Just like last season … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    “Reader Emails,” Dustin & Peter Quit Their Podcast, & Your Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    There’s no way I can write this story out because it’ll take too long, so I’ll just tell you to go listen to my Daily Roundup today if you wanna hear a funny story regarding my trip to the Olive Garden yesterday. I mean, I think it’s funny. And I think it’s just classic me considering how much I’ve been there over the last 30 years. Fun times were had I tell ya’. Even the couple sitting next to me at the bar was getting a kick out of it. I’ve never exhibited any sort of “Karen” behavior, and this definitely wasn’t that because I was kinda joking, yet, knew I was right about the situation. Which ended up being confirmed by the manager. But … Continue reading

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