Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” “Grease 2,” & Those Who Shall Be Ignored From Now On


    What do you think the highlight of my day was yesterday? Posting the column, getting great feedback, looking at my traffic numbers and smiling ear to ear? No. Sticking to my plan of trying to walk 2 miles every day? No. Somehow going to Chick-Fil-A and NOT ordering those waffle fries? No. The highlight of my day yesterday was an emailer quizzing me on “Grease 2” and me getting both questions right. And they were two good questions. Obscure enough to where it wasn’t totally obvious, but definitely showed my vast superior knowledge on that movie. The best part was I happened to be sitting at my computer when the email came in, I started reading it, and I must’ve responded to the email within … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Reaction to Yesterday’s Post, SNL Spoofs “Bachelor” Again, & “This is Us”

    Photo Credit: NBC

    Before we get started today, just a little tangent to go off on because it’s been on a lot of people’s minds since last night, and that’s “This is Us.” Yes, we will finally know how Jack died in their next episode, which airs right after the Super Bowl. So many theories have been going on since we first found out he died when the kids were teenagers, and it’ll all come to a head two Sunday’s from now. Obviously last night they teased at the end of the episode the fire that destroyed the Pearsons house. I’m here to tell you, I have no idea how Jack dies, my guess would only be as good as yours, but here’s one way I know Jack … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Instagram Correction, & What is Going on?

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So yesterday on Page 2 I explained to you about deleting Instagram comments off other people’s pages. Which you can do, however, the fact that I posted 8 pictures on Instagram in 2016 then moved up to a whopping 14 pictures in 2017, shows I’m not the most IG savvy person in the world. I was informed yesterday by a reader after my column went up that while you can delete comments from other people’s pages and can report them to IG, they’re only deleted to the person who deleted them. So those comments are still on Krystal’s page if you look, unless she went in and deleted them herself. Damn. Try to help out and I thought it would do a good service, but … Continue reading

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