Reality Steve

The Bachelor 24 – Peter

  • Bachelor Peter Spoilers

    Final Rose Ceremony Spoilers (UPDATED)

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Crazy ass weekend I tell ya’. One of my busier ones in recent memory. After my post on Thursday, within literally 10 minutes, I was basically told, “you need to check on a few of the things that you reported,” and lets just say that was coming from places/people that would know things, so I spent all weekend trying to get stuff together. So overall, what I reported Thursday is basically correct, but there were some things that were wrong and I will be able to fill in a few details I didn’t have yet. Immediately after my tweet Thursday that sources were coming to me with new information, that started a string of “production is trying to screw with him” emails and tweets. Let … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 24 - Peter

    The “Bachelor” Peter – Clare is the “Bachelorette,” Sourcing Issues, WTA Thoughts, & Episode #26 of the “He Said, She Said” Podcast

    Photo Credit: ABC

    There is so much to get to today, I don’t even really know where to begin. We’ve got Clare as the new “Bachelorette,” we’ve got Victoria F. continuing her lies on stage last night, contestants for the “Bachelorette” dropping like flies all while casting is still happening, we’ve got changes in the “Bachelorette” schedule and what’s happening with that, there’s sourcing stories from crazies that I need to explain to everyone, and of course how can I forget, we are one week away from Peter’s finale and, ummmm, what happens? I’m not trying to hedge anything here. Is it different than what I’ve done in years past? Yes. In the past I just tell you “This is what happens,” it usually does, and that’s that. … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 24 - Peter

    The “Bachelor” Peter – Overnight Date Thoughts, Chad Johnson Arrested, & My Thoughts on the Finale


    I know absolutely no one is gonna believe me when I say this, but I’m somewhat enjoying the fact the season isn’t spoiled yet. Would I like to have the answer to every question this season answered? Yes. Has it been frustrating? Yeah, but moreso because of the constant emails, tweets, and DM’s, which are a product of not having the spoilers yet. Because I still have people, no joke, contacting me in some way, shape, or form asking questions like, “Hey, who wins this season?” Like, really? Has that person not read a single thing I’ve written since this show wrapped on Nov. 17th? There’s no way anyone who’s been to my site, hell, more than once in the last 3 months could fire … Continue reading

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