Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 13 – Rachel

  • The Bachelorette 13 - Rachel

    The “Bachelorette” Rachel Episode 5 Recap Incl DeMario Speaks Out

    Photo Credit: ABC

    One thing I took back from NY this past weekend? A cold. It’s probably because my hotel room was nice and cool, yet outside it was muggy with 1000% humidity. That’ll do it to ya’. Or it could be all the germs from being on the plane. I’m not full blown sick yet, but my throat this morning feels like I gargled a bag of razor blades. Good times I tell ya’. Anyway, it was a fun trip. Got to see family I hadn’t seen in a while, got to eat chicken parmesan at three different restaurants, did some touristy stuff since I was staying in the heart of Times Square, and finally got to spend some time with “He Said, She Said” co-host Sharleen … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 4

    The “Bachelorette” Episode 4 Recap & (EXCLUSIVE) “Bachelor in Paradise” News. Can it Be Saved After All?

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Feels like we haven’t spoken to each other in months. Years maybe. Craziness happening in the “Bachelor” world, but today I can exclusively report, that comes to an end. I don’t see any other outlet reporting this, so anyone after this post I would appreciate giving the proper credit. According to my sources, ABC’s investigation into the BIP situation has been completed, they found no evidence of any wrongdoing or sexual misconduct, and they will be announcing this soon. Possibly as early as today. After seeing some stories get out over the weekend which really questioned Corinne and her behavior, this isn’t at all surprising of an outcome to me. I kinda saw where this was headed when I was getting all the information coming … Continue reading

  • The Bachelorette 13 - Rachel

    The “Bachelorette” Rachel Episode 3 Recap, My Appearance on Olivia’s Podcast, & DeMario’s Ex

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Quite an interesting day yesterday. I got the gamut of emotions on Twitter and email regarding the change in spoiler. One thing to keep in mind is that original spoiler was posted Wednesday, May 17th. Rachel didn’t start doing her media rounds until the next day. You bet your ass the show is fully aware of what spoiler was put out there before they let Rachel start talking, so maybe that did play a role in her saying immediately she was engaged, with them thinking that everyone would just assume the spoiler to be true and they’d hope I wouldn’t find out the real ending. So remember what when you’ve seen Rachel in any interviews from May 17th up until yesterday. I guarantee she was … Continue reading

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