Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 20 – Charity

  • The Bachelorette 20 - Charity

    The Bachelorette Charity – Episode 4, Golden Bachelor, Bachelor in Paradise, and Season Promo Confirmations

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Yesterday we got some clarification on quite a few things in regards to the Golden Bachelor, Bachelor in Paradise, and the rest of Charity’s season. Still no season ending spoiler yet, but some major plot points were revealed in the preview that ran at the end of last night’s episode. We’ll get to those in a second, but first, we now have some clarification in regards to how Golden Bachelor and Bachelor in Paradise will air. Speaking of the Golden Bachelor, no surprise it ended up being Gerry Turner, although the pronunciation of a hard “G” is the only thing I was unaware of. I just assumed “G-e-r-r-y” was pronounced like “Jerry.” It’s not. It’s pronounced like “ferry” with a hard G. Which is different … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Daily Roundup, & 90’s Con Coming in September

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Wednesday nights are becoming my favorite nights of the week. Monday’s I just dread because of having to watch the show, record two podcasts, and write a column. Wednesday’s are so much better because, while it’s two shows that I watch, I actually like them so much better than “Bachelorette.” “Temptation Island” and “The Big D” tonight are REALLY good. I’ve seen both screeners and get ready for 2 great hrs of TV tonight on the USA Network. This is the first TI episode this season where the Temptation light is introduced, and lets just say it has everyone all out of whack. And that red light is on A LOT tonight. So much so that you’re wondering if it ever turned off. Especially since … Continue reading

  • The Bachelorette 20 - Charity

    The “Bachelorette” Charity – Episode 3 Recap, Katie on “FBoy Island,” & Brayden Dominating Screen Time via @BachelorData

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Big day today. Today is the one year anniversary of the Daily Roundup podcast. When I started it July 11th last year, I assumed I’d miss some days. Maybe the weekends I was out of town, I’d take a Friday episode off and maybe even that Monday. But I can proudly say that for the last 365 days, I have given you a Daily Roundup every Monday thru Friday. I guess you can say I’ve even surprised myself. And now that I did it for a whole year, it’s like perfect attendance in school. You wanna keep the streak going. Trust me, there have been some nights where I absolutely didn’t want to record a show or even felt like I didn’t have more than … Continue reading

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