Reality Steve

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  • Beverly Hills 90210

    RECAP: Beverly Hills 90210, Season 5, Episodes 1-2


    It might’ve taken a national emergency for me to finally do this, but honestly, this is something I’ve kinda wanted to do for a while. For however long this takes, I’m going to be recapping old episodes of “Beverly Hills 90210.” For those that don’t know, it ran from 1990-2000. Once they worked out the kinks of how many years these kids were in high school (3 “seasons”), their college years coincided directly with mine, and that’s where my obsession with the show began. When they were freshman in college, I was a freshman in college. And this was back when this show was producing 32 episodes a season, which is unheard of nowadays. So their “seasons” would start in September (when I started school) … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #174 – Interview with Cortney Hendrix of “Married at First Sight” & Final “Reader Emails” of the Season


    Been a while since we had her on, but Cortney Hendrix from “Married at First Sight” joins the show to talk about her engagement that became public yesterday. Cortney describes how it all came about but then takes a very introspective look on her marriage to Jason that ended in 2018. You don’t usually hear someone talk about an ex-husband the way Cortney talks about Jason and what their issues were, how they were handled, and her role in all of it. Very refreshing to hear actually because, by the sound of it, Cortney realizes the mistakes she made in the marriage and is only trying to get better from it, which is really all you can ask for when moving on to a new … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 24 - Peter

    Clare’s Filming Possibilities, Peter & Madison Break Up, Hannah B. & Tyler, & What To Expect On The Site During This Postponement

    Photo Credit: ABC

    To say we’re in unprecedented times would be an understatement for sure. Clearly I did not end up going to Vegas this week for March Madness. But even before Vegas had a complete shutdown of their casinos, I wasn’t planning on going anyway. My trip was for March Madness. Once that was cancelled, I wasn’t interested in going. Then the casinos closed and, well, that ended up being the right move. And as you know, Clare’s season has been postponed, like most everything in the entertainment industry. It first came out in a press release on Friday, then Chris Harrison took to IG and told everyone they were postponing filming for at least 2 weeks. Now, I’m not an expert or anything, but I can … Continue reading

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