Reality Steve

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  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” “Bachelorette” Talk, and Chris Harrison Speaks on Spoilers

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Guess what we’re doing tomorrow? Taking it back old school again on the podcast. I believe I’ve only had one guy on from Ashley’s season of the “Bachelorette” and that was Ben Flajnik. That is, until tomorrow. First impression rose recipient her season, Ryan Park, will be my guest on tomorrow’s podcast to talk about Ashley’s season, being somewhat of the “villain” although I use that term loosely with him as he’s genuinely one of the nicest guys ever. And that’s basically what his edit was. The guy that all the other guys thought was too nice, so they didn’t like him. Weird times back then I tell ya’. Ryan is also one of the few from this franchise I actually had the chance to … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 24 - Peter

    The “Bachelor” Peter – Overnight Date Thoughts, Chad Johnson Arrested, & My Thoughts on the Finale


    I know absolutely no one is gonna believe me when I say this, but I’m somewhat enjoying the fact the season isn’t spoiled yet. Would I like to have the answer to every question this season answered? Yes. Has it been frustrating? Yeah, but moreso because of the constant emails, tweets, and DM’s, which are a product of not having the spoilers yet. Because I still have people, no joke, contacting me in some way, shape, or form asking questions like, “Hey, who wins this season?” Like, really? Has that person not read a single thing I’ve written since this show wrapped on Nov. 17th? There’s no way anyone who’s been to my site, hell, more than once in the last 3 months could fire … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #170 – Interview with Jacqueline Trumbull & Washington Nationals Analyst FP Santangelo


    A really fun, insightful, and sports-y podcast this week. I’m first joined by my friend and former contestant Jacqueline Trumbull, who appeard on Arie’s season, BIP season 5, and is the co-host of the “A Beautiful Podcast To Fall In Love.” What didn’t know until earlier last year is that Jacqueline is good friends with former major leaguer and current Washington Nationals analyst FP Santangelo (FP used to date Jacqueline’s best friend). FP is a guy that I had reached out to over IG a couple years ago just to tell him I really enjoyed his work on the Nats’ broadcasts. By clear happenstance, my name gets brought up in a conversation one night when Jacqueline is hanging with FP, she says she knows me, … Continue reading

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