Reality Steve

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  • Podcasts

    Podcast #173 – Interview with Sharleen Joynt


    Well it’s certainly been a wild 24 hrs in this world. I’m no disease expert, nor will I claim to be, so I’ll just say be safe out there, be smart, and wash your hands after basically anything you do. I know, real insightful stuff. Anyway, hopefully to take your mind off things for at least a little bit, one of my favorite guests to have on has joined us for the first time in a year, and that’s Sharleen Joynt. You follow her recaps on, you read her excellent recaps on, and now she joins me for over an hour today to break down what the hell we saw on Monday and Tuesday night this week, along with talking about Clare’s upcoming … Continue reading

  • Clares Guys

    The “Bachelor” Peter Finale Recap – The Timeline of What Went Down, Theories Throughout the Season, The BS We Saw Last Night, What I’m Hearing Now, Peter’s Brother Going Off on Madison, & Clare’s Guys

    Photo Credit: ABC

    There is so much stuff to get to today, so many things that happened last night, things that I’m hearing now about what went down, I feel like I’m gonna forget stuff. I wrote as much down as I could, but whatever I don’t get to today, I will address in tomorrow’s podcast. I honestly couldn’t believe what we witnessed last night. Been covering this show for 17 years and 37 of their 39 seasons, and honestly, that was the most crazy, insane ending ever. Not the spoiler aspect of it, because you knew that, but how everything played out live, Peter’s parents being absolute buzzkills, and just the total craziness that ensued last night during the live aspect of it. I mean, it would … Continue reading

  • Clares Guys

    (EXCLUSIVE) Clare’s Guys

    Photo Credit: GMA

    Woke up this morning, and whaddya’ know, ABC has released 32 who might be on Clare’s season. This is the 4th season in a row they’ve released the men early. Filming begins Friday, and in years past, in the 2 days the contestants were released before filming started, 2-3 end up getting cut and not making the list. So just assume that’ll happen again. Every guy I had on my list of 20 except for one ended up being part of this 32, so that made my job a little bit easier today. However, here’s what I’ll do. I’m giving the 19 whose bios I already had made up right now, gonna work on today’s column, and that’ll be up in … Continue reading

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