Reality Steve



  • Bachelor Peter Spoilers

    Podcast #153 – Interview with Taylor Nolan and “Temptation Island’s” Ashley Goldson & (EXCLUSIVE) Peter’s Final Four


    Earlier this week Taylor Nolan announced on her podcast that she had broken up with her boyfriend of over a year, so I figured lets bring her on to talk about it and reports that suggested she may be open to a reconciliation with Derek. She sets the record straight on that along with other things on Podcast #153 today. And just as a heads up, this podcast takes a very sexual turn when we begin talking about Taylor becoming a licensed sex therapist. Topics of masturbation, threesomes, vibrators all are fair game this week, so in case your virgin ears don’t want to hear talk like that, just know you’ve been warned. Can’t say I’ve spoken to many 26 year olds who are as … Continue reading

  • Temptation Island

    “Temptation Island” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 2 Recap

    Photo Credit: USA Network

    Yes, Temptation Island is a show centered around the absolutely batsh*t premise that couples are supposed to swan dive into experiences in which their fidelity is tested over and over and over again. True, the participants are forced to keep up with the shenanigans of their significant others via carefully spliced pieces of footage that are presented without context while they sit anxiously beside a bonfire. Sure, not having the full story about what’s really going down, nor the ability to speak to the person you love during the process, is nothing but a finely orchestrated mindf*ck. And of course a part of me believes you’d have to be, at the very least, flirting with clinical insanity to so much as even entertain the idea … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #152 – Interview with Luke Parker & “Temptation Island’s” Casey Starchak


    Hope you cleared out a good 3 hrs of your day today because we’ve got a long one. Luke Parker joins me for a very insightful 2 hr conversation about his time on the “Bachelorette,” and needless to say, it’s a liiiiitle bit different than what you were shown. This does not mean he makes excuses for his behavior, it does not mean he doesn’t own up to the things he said and did either. What he does do is provide a perspective of where his head was at during a lot of filming, and maybe some of the things you didn’t see because they weren’t shown which may help explain some of his actions. A very interesting conversation to say the least. Then, Casey … Continue reading

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