Reality Steve



  • Bachelor in Paradise 6

    “Reader Emails,” Peter’s Early Season Filming Schedule & Notes on the Women

    Photo Credit: ABC

    You might be wondering why there was no column yesterday. Two reasons actually. 1) I’m pretty much over Paradise. There’s nothing remotely interesting going on anymore, the pre-planned storylines and horribly scripted scenes are insulting our intelligence Derek and I was basically half paying attention to the show while the Saints/Texans was on. And 2) I was still recovering from 4 days in Vegas. But not like you would think. I didn’t drink much, I wasn’t out in clubs at all, nor was I even out late. But 4 days in Vegas is my max, and just being there for that long, pretty much inside the whole time, totally on sensory overload, it just usually takes me a couple days to get back into the … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #146 – Interview with Kristen Baldwin of “Entertainment Weekly”


    So glad to have Kristen Baldiwn from “Entertainment Weekly” back on the podcast for the third time. Always fun chopping it up with some TV talk with Kristen as being the TV critic for, she always has opinions on the shows we all watch, including the “Bachelorette” and “Bachelor in Paradise.” We also dive into Hannah’s upcoming appearance on DWTS, and we have a little 90210 talk because Kristen and I are loving the reboot. Not to mention, I actually text her during it because I can’t control my emotions sometimes ha ha. And then we end with a little fall preview from her regarding which upcoming shows you should be watching once the new season of TV starts. Posting early today since I’m … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 6

    “Reader Emails,” Ratings & BIP Episode 10 Mini Recap

    Photo Credit: ABC

    The storylines might be getting tired, the randomness of who’s coming on the show, and the wishy washiness of a few contestants might be grating on some of the viewing public, but the ratings for this season of “Bachelor in Paradise” have all been up over last year. Monday’s episode drew 4.07 million viewers with a 1.1 rating, although it was on a holiday, so it was an expected tick down from all other previous Monday episodes. But the Tuesday episodes have been solid as well pretty much all drawing over 4 million viewers (except for one) and never below a 1.1 rating. So again, I find myself saying this every season, but for as many people that complain about Paradise and “why don’t they … Continue reading

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