Reality Steve



  • Bachelor Arie Spoilers

    Podcast #61 – Interview with Tori Hall of the “Challenge,” & Your “Bachelor” Episode-by-Episode Spoilers


    Going through a divorce is never fun I can imagine. Now imagine going through that divorce publicly, your ex-husband has a new girlfriend, and it’s playing out on TV for everyone to see. That’s what today’s podcast guest Tori Hall from MTV’s the “Challenge” has had to face. For a long time, no one even knew they were separated because they chose to keep it that way. Tori spoke with US Weekly last week about her divorce from Brad Fiorenza for the first time, so in today’s podcast, we talk about how here whole “Challenge” career started, the early days with Brad, what happened to their marriage, and a lot more. I appreciate Tori being able to speak about this without trashing her ex-husband. No … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Instagram Correction, & What is Going on?

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So yesterday on Page 2 I explained to you about deleting Instagram comments off other people’s pages. Which you can do, however, the fact that I posted 8 pictures on Instagram in 2016 then moved up to a whopping 14 pictures in 2017, shows I’m not the most IG savvy person in the world. I was informed yesterday by a reader after my column went up that while you can delete comments from other people’s pages and can report them to IG, they’re only deleted to the person who deleted them. So those comments are still on Krystal’s page if you look, unless she went in and deleted them herself. Damn. Try to help out and I thought it would do a good service, but … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 22 - Arie

    The “Bachelor” Arie – Episode 3 Recap, When is the Finale, & Enough with the Hate Speech

    Photo Credit: ABC

    A few of you emailed me last week informing me that on Ben Higgins’ podcast with Nick, he mentioned that the “Bachelor” was taking two weeks off while “Winter Games” ran the weeks of Feb. 13th and 20th. According to Robert Mills, and what I’ve been told, that is inaccurate. A few weeks ago I wrote in this column I was confused when the “Bachelor” finale is going to be since “American Idol” is doing a 2 night, 4 hour premiere March 11th and 12th. The 12th would’ve been the natural end date for the “Bachelor” finale, but now we know it’s not. I was able to get the answer for you. This season will run as normal with a new episode every Monday night. … Continue reading

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