Reality Steve



  • The Bachelorette 14 - Becca

    The “Bachelorette” Episode 5 Recap, Garrett’s Wedding Video, “The Proposal” & Summer Tour Stop #3 Next Weekend


    Summer Tour Stop #2 is in the books, and on to #3 next weekend in Chicago. Had a good time in San Francisco, and the Giants game on Saturday was especially made a lot of fun when the people in front of us were providing all game entertainment. Why, you ask? Because they were so hopped on up on drugs, they couldn’t stay still and stop talking. Bless their little 23 year old hearts, but yeah, they were high. And one of them was a little higher than high. But all in all, a fun time, and I loved your garlic fries AT&T Park. You didn’t disappoint. I’m sorry I couldn’t arrange any sort of meet up this weekend. I was playing everything by ear, … Continue reading

  • Ex on the Beach

    “Ex on the Beach” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 10 Recap


    There are certain actions so egregious that one cannot ever adequately atone for having participated in them. This assortment of garbage behavior runs the gamut, from eating the very last bakery cookie – the one I was saving to nibble while watching Southern Charm, though I swear this is a purely fictitious example and I didn’t recently go ape-sh*t on anyone – to locking children in cages, right here on U.S. soil. Yes, there is a wide range of misdeeds on the YOU ARE NOT MISTAKEN; I REALLY AM THIS DISGRACEFUL OF A HUMAN BEING list, and somewhere smack in the middle of said list is the choice to willfully hock a gigantic loogie onto someone’s head from a balcony.

    I am not a violent … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #83 – Interview with the “Bachelor” Season 5’s Trish Schneider Cullins


    Gotta say it’s refreshing sometimes to talk to contestants that aren’t part of the current era of Bachelor Nation. Definitely got that today in speaking with Trish Schneider Cullins, who was arguably the first true villain this franchise ever had. She appeared on season 5 of the “Bachelor” with Jesse Palmer and made quite the name for herself. You still see her listed to this day as one of the all-time villains in any list a media outlet does when talking about past contestants. Then again, that was also 2004 that Trish was on and she basically set the standard. Now none of her stuff would be considered all that scandalous since we have characters like her essentially every season. But back 14 years ago, … Continue reading

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