Reality Steve



  • Are You the One?

    “Are You the One?” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 6 Recap

    Photo Credit: MTV

    After the relationship retreat – where exes showed up to berate people they’ve already spent years emotionally abusing – finally ends, it’s time to get back to a more standard episode (complete with the more standard forms of abuse) of Are You the One? It’s morning now on the island and rain is falling in great buckets from the sky. Neon paint is potentially forever tattooed on the dirty feet of our contestants and Samantha is ready to move far beyond the bullsh*t of her ex and into a relationship where the guy she’s with is more than happy to post her face all over his Instagram. Over in the yoga yurt, Asia and Tevin are doing some deep breathing exercises before he explains that … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 5

    The Final “Reader Emails” of the Calendar Year

    Photo Credit: ABC

    A lot of today’s “Reader Emails” are stuff that came down late last week or in the last two days. Most isn’t Jordan/Jenna related, and that topic is gonna rule Bachelor Nation for the next week or so. This is the final “Reader Emails” of the calendar year, since starting next week, the “Bachelor” will begin filming, I’ll be doing “Daily Links” as much as I can, along with spoiling Colton’s season in real time. It’s a been a fun ride this year to say the least.

    Hey Steve,

    Are contestants compensated in any way to act a certain way, even if it makes them look bad, like the way Leo excited bachelor in paradise? Cause I found that to be so staged, also noticed … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 5

    Episode 5 of the “He Said, She Said” Podcast with Ashley Spivey

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Well, I had my first successful weekend away from Luka this past weekend. Somewhat. The good thing is the doggy resort said she was great for her first time, and in the times I checked in on her on their doggy cams, she certainly looked like she was having fun. She made a whole bunch of new friends and there was another beagle there that looked exactly like her, which kept getting me confused. With that said, she was at the resort from Wed thru Sat, then my sister picked her up and she stayed at my house with her and my niece on Saturday, then my brother-in-law stayed with her Sunday night before I came back yesterday. What’s weird is I told you every … Continue reading

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