Reality Steve



  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Colton, & Tricky Editing on the BIP Reunion Show

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So I’ve had Luka for almost three weeks now, but this will be the first time I’m leaving her. As you know, my annual NFL weekend Vegas trip starts tomorrow, so today I’m taking her to the doggy resort where she’ll be for 3 days, then my sister is taking her for the weekend. Maddie loved the doggy resort. She got so excited when I told her we were going to see her “friends.” Luka I have a feeling will be a little different today. She is attached to me. She follows me everywhere and she’s never not had me around in the almost-3-weeks together. So it’ll be interesting to see what she does once I drop her off today, and then when I get … Continue reading

  • Bachelor in Paradise 5

    “Bachelor in Paradise” Mini Recap, Colton is the “Bachelor,” and Grocery Joe on DWTS

    Photo Credit: ABC

    One thing about doing spoilers for the last 9 years, is sometimes stuff comes to me pretty easy, sometimes I get a tip and I have to follow up on it, and sometimes I barely get a kernel of something, but it’s something and I have to do a lot of digging to get to the bottom of it. The Colton is the “Bachelor” stuff came pretty easy last week and there wasn’t much to it. Sure, for the last week I had people telling me I was wrong saying they heard Jason telling people he was the “Bachelor,” had other people saying they heard it was someone else, people telling me I don’t have any spoilers anymore, getting told ABC is feeding me false … Continue reading

  • Floribama Shore

    “Floribama Shore” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 9 Recap

    Photo Credit: MTV

    I suppose the only positive thing about Logan stalking Kortni while cameras follow his every terrifying move is that we now have yet another visual example of toxic masculinity should anyone still be unclear about what it looks like. TMZ reported just a few days ago that Logan was arrested for violating the restraining order Kortni eventually had to take out on him and every single sign that he is legitimately and dangerously unbalanced has played out on our television screens – and it continues to do so this week.

    This episode begins with Kortni’s mother arriving at the house to try to calm her daughter because Kortni might be pregnant with the spawn of Mephistopheles. Sharon is insistent that Kortni not tell Logan … Continue reading

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