Reality Steve



  • Ex on the Beach

    “Ex on the Beach” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 6 Recap


    I like to imagine the producers of Ex On the Beach sitting in a large conference room somewhere. I can see it like it’s blaring in Technicolor: leather chairs surround a mahogany table that’s so shiny, the producers can gaze upon their own reflections when they collectively – albeit briefly – glance down in utter shame for what they’re putting forth into the world. Perched around the room are monitors displaying rough footage the imbedded crew has already captured of the spray-tanned human rats scurrying around that maze of a Hawaiian villa. Swigging coffee or some sort of detox juice blended into a green froth by a team of assistants, our producers watch the proceedings unfold and then high-five one another with glee because the … Continue reading

  • Bachelorette Becca Spoilers

    (SPOILER): TMZ Spoils Becca’s Finale, Podcast React, & More


    You know through the years, there’s always been this notion from people who just can’t believe how accurate I’ve been on spoilers, that there just has to be something fishy going on. Some people are convinced to this day that I work for ABC which is about the most ignorant statement out there. Some people think I have a relative who works on the show. Again, ridiculous. And some people think I pay people for information. No matter how many times I deny it, those people will stick to their narrative because, I don’t know, they can’t accept reality or something. But you know what? Unless they see my bank statements, which they never will, in their minds they can just convince themselves that’s how … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #79 – Interview with Former “Bachelorette” Meredith Phillips


    Podcast #79 is finally upon us and it’s a very open and candid interview with “Bachelorette” #2, Meredith Phillips. In this podcast, Meredith reveals for the first time a story of alleged sexual abuse that happened to her while she was the Bachelorette. You will hear once she tells me this I’m pretty stunned by the story hence the awkward silence and long pauses, etc. She did not reveal the name of the alleged perpetrator, so there really is no way for me to confirm the details. But as with any story where we are hearing only one side, I would encourage everyone to keep an open mind until all sides of the story are told, if they ever are. That said, I am glad … Continue reading

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