Rose Ceremony #3: (Men asking dates, Women giving out roses)
Men (11): Jack, Robby, Diggy, Dean, Ben Z., Adam, Derek, and Daneil. Three guys entering are Tickle Monster (Rachel’s season), Blake Elarbee (Rachel), Fred Johnson (Rachel).
Women (9): Christen, Amanda, Dominique, Kristina, DLo, Raven, Taylor, Lacey, and Jasmine.
Tickle Monster on date with Christen
Fred on date with Dominique
Blake Elarbee with Christen
Robby with Amanda.
The Dean/Kristina/DLo drama continued. Dean would spend a lot of time with DLo during the day, but then spend the night with Kristina. Ben Z. eliminates himself during the cocktail party.
Rose Ceremony:
Taylor gives her rose to Derek
Raven to Adam
Lacey to Daniel
Jasmine to Tickle Monster
Amanda to Robby
Dominique to Diggy
DLo to Dean
Christen to Jack
Kristina eliminated herself at this rose ceremony. Was sick of the Dean stuff, gave a little speech about not feeling appreciated, then left.
Eliminated this episode: Kristina Schulman leaves on her own during the rose ceremony. Blake Elarbee and Fred Johnson eliminated at rose ceremony.
Final Dates: (Women arrive, no 4th rose ceremony)
Women (10): Taylor, Raven, Lacey, Jasmine, Amanda, Dominique, DLo, and Christen. Three girls entering are: Jaimi King (Nick’s season) and the twins, Haley and Emily Ferguson (Ben’s season, BIP 3).
Jaimi on date with Diggy
Haley and Emily are set to go on a double date with Jack and Tickle Monster, but Jack ends up cancelling at the last minute. The twins are furious, go off on everybody, tell the whole group to f**k off, then leave.
This is where Chris Harrison comes in and lays down what is to happen from this point forward. The remaining couples’ options are:
1) They can either go home with each other
2) They can go home separately
3) They can have an overnight date
The couples that chose the overnight dates were: Daniel and Lacey, Derek and Taylor, and Adam and Raven.
As for the remaining couples:
Jasmine and Tickle Monster go home separately.
Amanda and Robby go home separately.
Diggy has to decide between Dominique and Jaimi, and decides they’ll all leave separately.
Dean tells DLo he loves Kristina, and they go home separately.
Christen and Jack go home separately.
The show ends filming the morning after all three overnight dates. It’s not like the first three seasons where the final couples walk up to the altar that day, then decide to either break up or get engaged. It just ends the morning after all three couples overnight dates and them talking about their time together. Which is very anti-climactic. There were no engagements. As mentioned earlier, we don’t know if there’s an “After Paradise” this season. There certainly hasn’t been one announced yet, so we don’t know for sure. However, if there isn’t, there will be a reunion show at the end with everybody coming back. It would not be surprising to see an engagement happen at that, most likely Derek and Taylor. They are the couple that spent the most time together apparently, and Derek is with her in Seattle as we speak (her birthday was yesterday). As for other couples, here’s what I know:
-Daniel and Lacey had hooked up before the show ever started. Lacey is goo-goo ga-ga over him. But Daniel is such a famewhore for wanting to be on TV, I’m pretty sure Lacey is way more into him than he is into her. They’re currently “dating,” but that doesn’t mean much in this franchise.
-Adam and Raven I believe are still seeing each other. Again, it’s very hard to know because what these people consider “dating” is not what people who aren’t on TV consider dating. I do know that while production was shut down, Adam hooked up with Sarah, hence the reason she asks him on her date when she arrives. And it’s discussed. Raven I’m told is aware of this and this is discussed between them as well. So if you’re looking at a timeline, here are facts we absolutely know about Adam – all of which happened in about an 8 week time span:
1) What we saw on the “Bachelorette” last night was filmed end of April. He was telling Rachel how much he wanted her.
2) He hooked up with Sarah during the break in between BIP filming in June
3) Two weeks after that, he’s on an overnight date with Raven
So to be honest, your guess is as good as mine. I think Adam and Raven are still seeing each other, but I have no clue what that means considering they in different states. And oh yeah, Sarah now lives in Dallas. Where Adam lives. Have at it.
-Amanda and Robby are currently dating, whatever that means.
-A lot of you saw Jack’s IG story from this past weekend. If not, this is what he posted:
@RealitySteve pls tell me isn't real??!!!
— marisapojtinger (@marisapojtinger) July 8, 2017
Yeah, they were just messing with people. They’re not engaged. But post show, I do think there’s a mutual interest between Jack and Jasmine.
As for the Dean/DLo/Kristina love triangle – it’s still going on. Dean and DLo have been together since filming ended and both live in LA. Kristina is still in Kentucky. So again, your guess is as good as mine as to what’s really going on. He breaks up with DLo on Paradise by telling her he loves Kristina, yet, he’s hooked up with DLo post-filming. Which makes me think he might’ve been told to do that for TV purposes. But from what I’ve gathered, everything we’re gonna see on this season of BIP with Dean/DLo/Kristina is still playing out as we speak. They’re at odds over him, and he’s still talking/seeing/in contact with both of them, but not exclusive with either. So anyone thinking Dean has a chance to be the next “Bachelor,” you can forget it.
Again, because there’s no engagement that happened out in Mexico, I fully expect to see one during their reunion show in September. And expect it to be Derek and Taylor, which is basically as laughable as you can get. Taylor got the redemption edit she was looking for, and Derek got, ummmmm, well, Derek got a girl from this franchise. Which is 180 degrees opposite of what he told Olivia he wanted when he dumped her over a text.
So keep an eye out on social media over the next month or so. I’m sure you’ll see things here and there. Obviously Jack and Jasmine are already having fun at people’s expense screwing with people making them think they’re engaged when they’re not. So just because you might see two people together post-show doesn’t necessarily mean they are an exclusive couple. We know how this franchise works. Everyone just passes everyone else around. Just keep that in mind when observing on social media. Should make for an interesting season though, that’s for sure.