Reality Steve

Reader Emails

“Reader Emails,” & The Stitcher Show That YOU Can Possibly Help Us Name

Photo Credit: ABC

Gotten a few emails yesterday regarding the new podcast starting next month that I’m co-hosting with Sharleen. Even though I thought I stated pretty clearly it wouldn’t replace Thursday’s podcast, and it was just an added podcast, some people still thought that was the case. No, it’s not. Your Thursday podcast will appear the same as it always does. The podcast with Sharleen begins in June and can only be heard on Stitcher Premium. Once I give you a code, you get one month free and then it’s $4.99/month or $29.99/year for a subscription. Our podcast will only be once a month, most likely towards the end of the month. We’ll spend all month recording segments talking to callers, put it all together, then post it. Already have a couple callers lined up, but if you want to be a part of the first show, email either myself or Sharleen, give us a little background on your dating/marriage/sex/relationship question, let us know your availability on when you can record over Skype Audio, and we’ll arrange a time to record it. Wanted to do something different with this podcast, and what better person to co-host with me than someone who gives great dating advice like Sharleen, who writes for “Flare” magazine.

Besides that, get your “Dr. Reality Steve” emails in for tomorrow. Very low right now and we need more. Like 5 more. Or 10. Or 15. Whatever the case, just because I’m starting up this show next month with Sharleen that’s based around relationships, doesn’t mean we can slack on the Dr. Reality Steve emails now. Those will still be coming every week, so get yours in today to be posted tomorrow. The show with Sharleen isn’t going to debut until mid-late June, so there’s plenty of “Dr. Reality Steve” questions you have you can get in before then. But, if you’d rather talk about it with us rather than send an email, by all means, we can accommodate that. And if you want to protect your identity, you can give us a different name to use while you’re on the show. That’s fine as well.

My friend and local Dallas TV personality Amy Vanderoef had me on for our bi-annual interview previewing the new “Bachelorette” season. You can watch that interview at And no, we didn’t call each other in the morning to make sure we wore matching colored shirts either. Talk about random.

Looks like Chris Harrison is done writing a column for Yahoo TV recapping the episodes every week. Shouldn’t be too surprising considering if you followed it last year, he basically mailed it in every week and gave us nothing. But Rachel’s first blog is up at, and she’s 100x better than anything Chris would’ve given us.

I just thought of something real quick. Sharleen and I are kinda having trouble coming up with a name for our show. It doesn’t have to be relationship centric, nor does it have to be overly creative, but considering my podcast is called the “Reality Steve Podcast,” you can see I’m not great at picking out titles. We’d love to take any reader suggestions for it. Who knows? Maybe we’ll end up using yours. We have one in mind, but are definitely open to suggestions. So if you have any ideas, feel free to email me with them.



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