-We’re now in Madison, WI for Peter’s hometown date, and by golly, how many times is Madison gonna get air time on this show? Geez. We had to spend a whole episode there during Nick’s season. I’m sure the people are wonderful and the city is great and all, but I’m tired of Madison at this point. Or were we in Milwaukee for Nick’s episode? Hell if I remember. Point being, lets just venture out of Wisconsin all together for at least ONE season. Is that too much to ask? Oh, you say Peter is probably the next “Bachelor?” Great. Maybe he can take the girls to a farm and they can milk cows again. Or he can take one girl roller skating. Then again, they went back-to-back “Bachelorette” seasons with girls from Dallas in JoJo and Rachel. I guess it wouldn’t be that far fetched to have back-to-back seasons of Wisconsin guys with Nick and Peter. Club me with a blunt object now.
-Peter and Rachel went to the Farmer’s market, something he claims he does every Saturday. Hey, one thing he didn’t lie about on his date. He does apparently go there quite often. With females. This date was spoiled the day it happened by basically everyone you saw on their date walking alongside them. They met up with two of his friends and their wives, and what I found quite interesting was Peter made it a point to tell us he has 10 really close friends, “8 of which are black.” Well I guess we know now that there’s no way Peter’s a racist. Look, he has 8 black friends! This was so unnecessary and pandering it made me throw up in my mouth. How about just telling us you have a lot of friends in Wisconsin (if you even do) and leaving out what race they are? Is that too much to ask?
-Peter pulls his guys over to the side while Rachel sits with the wives, and they basically start setting up Peter’s elimination from the show. He reiterates he could be proposing to this girl in 3 weeks and “it’s f***ing terrifying.” I mean, it’s quite obvious at this point not only from the spoiler, but even from what the show is letting us see, in that Peter is the hesitant one who eventually won’t be able to give Rachel what she wants, hence the reason she won’t pick him. Which will then in turn set up his storyline for next season of the guy who couldn’t commit, but after months of reflection, he’s now ready to go because he know this process can work. You know, basically like everyone else who’s ever gotten the lead role. It’s all there for the taking. All Peter has to do is accept the gig. I can’t imagine why someone in his position wouldn’t. I guess we’ll see.
-We go to his parents place and meet his mom Lynn, Dad Gary, brother David and his wife and kid. Peter in talks with his mom says he’s definitely had his walls up with Rachel and hasn’t figured out when he’s going to let them down. Probably because he came on the show with zero intention of getting engaged and wanting to promote his business. That’s probably a safe place to start. Hey, plenty of others (if not all) go on for the exact same reasons. It’d just be nice if one of them actually admitted that. Of course the show would never let them admit that on air, but even afterwards? You’d think these people would be a little more transparent rather than just speak the company line. It’s why it’s so hard to believe any of these people nowadays. This show is a business opportunity, not a dating show about finding your spouse.
-When Rachel talks to Peter’s mom, it’s much of the same. “Is he emotionally ready for marriage?” Mom: “Well…ummmm…errrrr…uhhhhh…I think he’s ready for a commitment, sure. Proposal? Meh. I don’t know if he’s there yet.” Translation: “Rachel, you in danger girl (in my best Oda Mae Brown voice). If you want someone to propose to you at the end of this thing, my son ain’t the one. Take that Colombian guy from Miami. He seems like a nice catch. You know, minus the previous reality TV show he was on years ago. Peter has too many things going on in Madison with work, his career, and his, ummmm, women. Sooooo yeah, pick that other guy. My son isn’t ready yet. You know, until he gets to the end of filming his own ‘Bachelor’ season, then he will be.”