The MTA has really lost its luster in recent years. Not that it was a show that really accomplished anything since most of the show is recapping stuff we already saw all season long. No new insight is really given, and with the advent of social media and what we’ve seen during the airing of this season by all the guys, and knowing how that show is constructed, it’s just really hard to take that show seriously. These guys have been off the show for 3 months essentially by the time they film the MTA. They’ve hooked up with other girls, they’ve bromanced with each other, and they’ve started building their brands. None of them really truly care about talking about stuff that happened three months ago. They’ve all moved on and I don’t buy for a second many are still harboring that many feelings towards Rachel or the other guys. Lee? Maybe. I can see why they’d want some answers from him since he’s basically been MIA during the season. But everything else? Pretty much just fluff. As is the case most seasons. The girls WTA can be a little more serious since they might still harbor feelings? These guys? Hell, half of them have pretty much hooked up or hung out with all of Rachel’s friends in the last three months. I’m guessing they’re over it. Then again, most of their audience doesn’t follow that closely, so they buy into guys like Dean going up their really digging deep with Rachel wanting answers, when hours later, he was at the after party all over DLo. That’s how it works now.
Get your “Reader Emails” and “Dr. Reality Steve” emails in for this week. We have one update from a “Dr. Reality Steve” two weeks ago that I think you’ll find interesting, but other than that, not much. So get those in the next couple days for it to appear this week.
Last week, Britt Nilsson took to YouTube and did a video opening up about her past addiction that really hasn’t been touched on. We know a few weeks back she admitted she had no job and she was broke, but she had never talked publicly about this. In case you missed it, here it is:
Couldn’t have been easy for her to do that, and it really makes you wonder how her being bulimic while on Chris’ season never got out. Or maybe others really didn’t know because she hid it so well. Amazing she got past medical with that history.
A story came out yesterday saying that DeMario was in talks to be on next season of DWTS. Let me just say this: Outside of Melissa Rycroft, who was a last second injury fill in, no one from this show who wasn’t a lead has ever been on DWTS in 25 seasons. I get that this show casts names in the news so to speak, but I can’t tell you how many non-leads from this show have been “in talks” with DWTS about appearing and it never happens. I hate to burst DeMario’s bubble here, but he’s no different than the previous ones they’ve “talked” to. They talk to a lot of people. I’d be stunned if he got cast.
And now we bring you to another chapter in the Amanda Stanton dating world. As you know, at the end of BIP (your episode-by-episode spoilers), Amanda broke up with Robby, but they’ve been seen out on numerous occasions post-show and have been dating. On Sunday, a comment left by “Kelseylswan” made its way to one of Robby’s posts, which he has since deleted:
I contacted Kelseylswan to see what she was referring to. Her exact response to me:
…“I can confirm that Robby was making out with another girl at the Zac Brown Band concert on Saturday night at Coors Field. They sat two rows in front of us and they were all over each other. I’m honestly surprised no one else has come forward saying anything. While I do have pictures, I won’t be sharing them. I talked to Amanda about it and shared the photos with her. It’s up to her what she does with it, but I was just trying to do the right thing.”
Couldn’t agree more. She should’ve gone to Amanda with it. Why wouldn’t she? Nothing wrong with that. How will Amanda respond? Hell if I know. If yesterday’s story means anything, apparently she’s ignoring it. The evidence is all there. Do you believe someone who was there, sent you pictures, and has zero reason to make this up, or a guy who’s basically been lying since the second he came into this franchise? Seems like a no brainer. Lets just hope that Amanda is smart enough to see through whatever BS Robby is feeding her to keep him around. The red flags have been there since Day 1 with this guy, and after EVERYTHING she went through last summer with Josh, I mean…
By the way, the girl in question I’m 99% sure is Lindsay Duke. She’s the blonde next to him in the brunch photo that Kelseylswan commented on the next day and she is a girl Robby has been rumored to have hooked up with in the past. This is about as black and white as you can get.
Poll question after last night, “Do you have any sympathy towards Lee?”