Reality Steve

The Bachelor 22 - Arie

The “Bachelor” Arie – Episode 2 Recap, Andi’s New Book, When’s the Finale, & More

-It’s Demolition Derby time! But before we get to it, they purposely show Krystal the next morning talking to the other girls who are asking her questions about her date and she was being evasive in all her answers. Her choice. She can choose to answer questions about her date in whatever way she wants. However, on THIS show, with THIS audience, and the girls you’re living with, that immediately puts a target on your back and makes you shady because, for the most part, MOST girls do come back and share what happened. We’ve seen it time and time again in past seasons where girls share like it’s no big deal. Because it isn’t. But the second you don’t share, just assume people are gonna have an issue with you, fair or not. And that’s immediately what Krystal dug herself into by being evasive. She might not have even intended it to come across that way. Maybe she’s naïve to the whole process? Hell, on her IG story last night she said she doesn’t own a TV. But you can’t expect to pull that behavior and not suffer the consequences for it by others. And we haven’t even gotten to what she did later on. Ooof.

-The rules are laid out for the women. You ram into the other girls cars until they stop. Last car standing wins. However, we have a problem before it all begins. Annaliese is traumatized. Guys, she’s having flashbacks to a very disturbing bumper car moment in her life and she’s always been afraid of them. I mean, I feel her. Who of us here hasn’t had a traumatic story involving bumper cars at some point in their childhood? None of you? Ever? Well, ok then. Annaliese, you’re cuck-koo for Cocoa Puffs. Man, I really feel for her. But you think that is bad, just wait til one of these girls reveals the terrorizing fear she has of the ping-pong-balls-in-the-fish-bowl game at the carnival. Talk about life changing. She can never hold a paddle again in her life. Or eat the goldfish crackers. Rough life I tell ya’. I hope someday Annaliese is able to get over her fears of people bumping into her at 3 miles per hour while some carnie with 7 teeth looks on.

-I don’t know if this date was supposed to be fun or what, but considering someone (Brittany) got hurt and sent to the hospital afterwards, I’ll tend to lean to the side that says getting whiplash usually isn’t a fun experience at all. I mean, we had girls stepping on the gas and ramming their car into the driver’s side of another car. That couldn’t have been enjoyable, right? I don’t care if it was at 5 or 10 mph, that jolt of getting hit like that probably isn’t for girls that weigh no more than a buck oh 105 or so. Annaliese seemed to be enjoying herself and not showing any restraint, so that’s good. She seems to have moved on from the traumatic experience as a youth. That’s all we could hope for really. If this show teaches us anything, it’s that if you want to and you put your mind to it, you can absolutely overcome “bumpercarophobia.” Which in case you haven’t looked it up, is “fear of bumper cars made up for a television show in hopes to gain sympathy from the lead.” It’s science, you know.

-Seinne won the race and got a trophy for putting herself through possible early onset of CTE. Seems like a nice tradeoff. At the afterparty, we’re informed that Brittany went to the hospital because she wasn’t feeling well. I heard it was a concussion, so I’m not sure why that wasn’t mentioned. Is it because the “Bachelor’s” concussion protocol is about as flimsy as the NFL’s and they don’t want it exposed to the general public to be ridiculed? I’d say yes. But lets shelve that at the moment, because the after party has started, and Chelsea needs to still him away immediately because a producer told her to she missed him so much. She finally tells Mr. Runner Up that she does have another man in her life, and no, it’s not Julian Edelman. Although I’m guessing she’s hoping it was. It’s her 3 year old son Sammy. She’s happy that Arie was open to that relationship with Emily who was also a single mom, and he tells her that before Emily, he was living with a single mother of two. This makes Chelsea happy. Now she’s convinced leaving her three year old son for a month was soooooo worth over a guy who dated a woman with kids over 6 years ago. Chelsea: “Nobody understands the motivation I’m coming from.” We don’t? You mean to build a modeling career? Make Pats #11 jealous? An f-you to your ex that cheated on you right after you had your kid, married her, then had a kid with her a month before you left for filming? I see plenty of motivation there.

-We see his time with two girls out of the 15 (well 14 since Brittany was in concussion protocol) – Seinne and Bekah. Seinne to let us know she’s much too accomplished and professional to be appearing on a show like this having graduated from Yale, and Bekah because, well, I guess they felt the need to show us that a 36 year old man had his hormones raging and couldn’t wait to tongue down a 22 year old non stop. Perfectly good reasons, no? And oh yeah, Bibiana was bothered by the fact she was barely getting any time with him. So much so that she stormed off and turned around saying, “don’t follow me with those damn cameras” which basically is the green light for them to do exactly the opposite. Maybe Bibiana didn’t understand how television worked. When you are purposely kept from the lead so they can agitate you to a point of storming off and telling off the cameramen, then voila! They’ve got their scene. Which is exactly what she gave them. Not to mention it set up the rose ceremony cocktail party and what Krystal had in store for her. Seinne got the rose and we barely know anyone else on this date.



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