I’m a man of my word. I follow through on things that I say. And dammit if I didn’t tell you last Tuesday that I was gonna watch “Grease 2” at some point this past weekend, and I damn sure did. If you were following along on Sunday about 3 hours before kickoff, you saw me live tweeting the movie. There are so many things I didn’t even get to while covering it, but I think you could sense my overall thoughts. It’s just one of those movies that when you watch it years later, it’s obviously utterly ridiculous and silly. But at the time in 1983 when I was watching it for what seemed like every day in the summer? Please. It was like the greatest cinematic gift I’ve ever been given, and it’ll always be a movie I remember. Gems like “Cool Rider,” “We’re Gonna Score Tonight,” and “Reproduction,” should be taught in every grammar school music class in every school in the United States. That’s how important they are to today’s society. Well, at least in my mind they are. Lets make it happen people. I think it’s important that the youth of this current generation are fully aware of these instant classic songs that will now be rattling around in your brains all day today. You’re welcome.
Easily one of the most overblown stories in recent memory, was the Bekah story that came out last Friday that her mother had reported her missing on Nov. 18th and it wasn’t until someone saw her on the “Bachelor” and reported it to Humboldt County that she was taken off the missing persons list. So much lazy reporting here it makes my head spin. First off, Bekah was home from filming before the month of November even started if any of these reporters bothered to look. But hey, maybe they did but weren’t allowed to report it due to giving away potential spoilers. I can accept that. Fine. Secondly though, her mother said she had spoken to her on the day she reported her missing, November 18th, and it was just an error to not remover her from the list.
But even BEFORE that, her mother said she’d talked to her on Nov. 12th when she was informed Bekah was gonna go work on the marijuana farm. So even if mom hadn’t heard from her after that, and even if she thought she was missing, this story gaining legs that her mom thought she was missing because she went to film the show is so utterly stupid and so poorly written, they should be ashamed. The show started filming in September. It’s been that way for the last NINE YEARS. She wasn’t missing because of the show, nor did her mom ever think she was. She was back from filming when all of this happened, yet, outlets are begging for click bait so they make it seem like her mother had no idea where she was for 6 weeks, even though the story clearly said she spoke to her on Nov. 12th and reported her missing on the 18th. Good grief.
Wanna know another complete overreaction? Yesterday when Corinne posted a picture together with Nick on Instagram, the amount of people who now wanted to know what was going on or thinking they were dating was filling my inbox. Has anyone not realized by this point that every single thing Corinne does is to gain attention? Everything she did on Nick’s season was for camera time. Everything she did post-show with the 3 month engagement to an ex was for attention. I don’t even think I need to re-hash how she acted during the BIP mess, do I? And then after all that went down, all the photo setups when she’d hang out with DeMario. Attention. Corinne is all about Corinne. Anything she can do to keep her name out there and keep all of you talking about her is what she’s going to do. No, she and Nick are not dating. And oh yeah, that picture was from her hometown date in Florida. So her posting a picture 15 months old for no reason even further proves she is strictly out for attention.
Some news about the “Women Tell All.” A couple weeks ago I reported that it would be shown between the Overnights and the Finale (like it usually is), but on Friday night, March 2nd, and not have it’s own week. There’s been a change. According to ABC’s own TV calendar, the WTA is airing Sunday night, February 25th, the night before the Overnight date episode airs on the 26th, with the finale the next week on the 5th which I originally reported. I believe that’s only happened once, and that was Des’ season where the WTA is filmed before we are down to the final two. So to make it easy for you, here’s the schedule as laid out on ABC’s site:
Sunday, February 25th: Women Tell All (taping a week from today, the 13th)
Monday, February 26th: Overnight Dates
Monday, March 5th: 2-hour finale, followed by a 1 hour ATFR
So I don’t know if this means we won’t see Kendall at the WTA since why would she be there if she’s still on the show for all those in the audience. Those in attendance will have only seen up through the hometown dates, which they’ll show to them before taping begins. But I know the WTA is taping next Tuesday, the 13th. Earliest they’ve ever taped it that’s for sure.
You can expect the Krystal storyline to be the biggest part of the WTA, and then I think we’ll get a little of Bekah’s age, since that was the only real drama of the season. Without Krystal, there is no WTA, so fully expect her to be there and if I were her, I’d just apologize for my behavior and be done with it. Although, there’s a 0% chance of her doing that I’m sure. She’ll get attacked, go on the defensive, and it’ll make her look worse.