Ok, lets get into what we’re looking at the next couple of weeks. Next Monday the 4th, is the overnight date episode (well, half of it), and then next Tuesday is the “Women Tell All,” which taped this past Friday. The following week, Monday, the 11th is the finale (or continuation of what we see from next Monday night), and then the next night, Tuesday the 12th is a 2 hour live “After the Final Rose,” where the next “Bachelorette” will be announced. Then “Bachelorette” filming begins two days later on March 14th. We’ve talked about this ad nauseum. The naming of the “Bachelor” and “Bachelorette” is about the only secret this show can keep anymore. They will hold out as long as they can before telling the person they choose that it’s them. Knowing it’ll be announced during the ATFR on the 12th, my guess is whoever is chosen will be told a few days before. Maybe heading into next weekend so they can get their photo shoots done and what not. Because they have multiple women sign contracts and then ultimately choose just one, it’s much harder to get confirmation than in the past. If they’ve decided, they certainly haven’t told the actual woman that it’s them yet. The two Hannah’s and Caelynn are basically who it’s down to, and I’d say Caelynn is running a distant third. I just don’t see the edit she’s getting being conducive to getting the gig. But hey, I guess anything is possible. She gave a good cry job on her exit last night and at the WTA she spent her time on the hot seat crying some more. So maybe that’ll garner her some sympathy.
Next week’s episode is a big one, as you will see things starting to shape up. We saw in last night’s episode, Cassie’s dad played a major role in where her head is at. Go back and read ANY hometown date recap of mine in the last 15 years. The one thing I consistently make fun of during this episode is how many dad’s give the “Bachelor” their blessing/permission to marry their daughter after meeting them one time and knowing he’s dating other women. It’s about the stupidest thing this show does and it’s completely unrealistic. I get that these parents are all just playing along, but it’s absurd to think that’s how they really feel. But not Matt F***in Randolph. He will have none of this nonsense and makes it clear to Cassie she needs to think this through, and makes it clear to Colton, “Uhhh, no dice pal. You don’t have my blessing and you can stick it where the sun don’t shine.” In so many words, of course. Which, while some of you may disagree, it’s truly the most realistic parent reaction we’ve probably ever had. There have been parents in the past that show skepticism (including Tayshia’s dad), but ultimately they end up coming around on things. Not Matt F***in Randolph. In fact, this guy is doubling down on his stance. How?
I tweeted out over the weekend that the blanks are starting to get filled in, and said hopefully by the end of the season I will have more details of what happens in Portugal during that fateful overnight date with Cassie. Well, one of those pieces just got filled in. In the episode-by-episode spoilers this season, I said that during Cassie’s overnight date next week, something happened to where she second guessed everything and ended up leaving. Well, that something was that you’ll see Matt F***in Randolph show up in Portugal next week between the day portion of her date with Colton and the night portion. Basically, her dad just reiterates what we heard him say last night. The stuff how marriage is a huge step, she’s 23, he doesn’t think she’s ready, she seems hesitant, etc. So yeah, I’d say that plays a major role in Cassie’s decision.
As reported in the spoilers next week’s episode, Tayshia goes first for her overnight. Nothing physical happened in terms of sex, she mentioned that they just spent the night talking, but Tayshia admits that she’s nervous for the next rose ceremony because she didn’t think Colton was all there mentally.
Then Cassie’s overnight date happens, and like I just mentioned, her dad shows up in between her daytime with Colton and her nighttime portion. Leading into the nighttime portion, Colton even says in an ITM that he’s in love with Cassie, he’s waiting to hear it back from her, and this is the night he could lose his virginity. Which of course they’re gonna show us that because they knew the doom that lay ahead.