One of the best parts of my job that I’ve talked about over the years has been the perks that come with it. I’m not necessarily a “product guy.” The perks I’ve always spoke about have been just being able to be my own boss, not answering to anyone, having the ability to come and go as I please, etc. That’s what I love about what I do. But every once in a while, a company will reach out to me and send me some free stuff. All the products you hear me talk about in the ads on my podcast I’ve been sent a sample of beforehand. So that’s been cool. But someone came to me last week completely out of the blue. And this wasn’t for payment, as of now they aren’t advertising anywhere on the site (they might end up on the podcast), and they specifically said this isn’t something I needed to talk about in return for receiving the product, but if I wanted to, I could. Well, I’m going to. You know who sent me product last week? Halo Top Ice Cream. Yes, the same Halo that Jed and Hannah mowed down during their date in Boston. I got sent 5 pints, all different flavors, and yeah, it’s been glorious. Thank you to Halo for doing that. Pretty cool of them to just offer it up for nothing in return. They just wanted me to have it. Let me just say it’s damn good, and I’ve only had 2 of the pints so far. If you wanna send another shipment or twenty my way, feel free. I won’t complain.
In case you missed my tweet yesterday, I was able to confirm that along with Demi getting engaged to her girlfriend Kristian Haggerty on the Paradise finale, there were two other engagements in the end:
Chris Bukowski and Katie Morton
Dylan Barbour and Hannah Godwin
So this matches the record for most engagements during “Bachelor in Paradise.” Season 3 also had 3 engagements with Grant/Lace, Josh/Amanda, & Evan/Carly. And just like only one of those engagements ended up in a marriage, I’m gonna guess that only one of these max ends up in a marriage as well. I don’t think for a second Demi and her gf are going to ever get married. I need to see more of this Chris/Katie relationship before I’m fully convinced that one will happen. So if any one of them actually has a shot, I guess I’ll go with Dylan and Hannah. They were paired up essentially since Day 1 on the show and I’m hearing they’re pretty inseparable so we’ll see. You already have your first two episode spoilers for BIP that I posted last week. I hope to have the rest for you by next week.
As mentioned last week, the “Men Tell All” tapes this Friday in LA. I’m guessing it will be very Luke-centric as the guys will all come gunning for him. There will be people there from Paradise in the audience per usual to hype the new season, as that’s where we usually get our first promo for “Paradise.” If I had to guess, I’d say the four guys that get called up to the hot seat are Cam, Mike, Luke, and maybe Garrett? If Peter attends, then definitely him. But as of now, there’s supposed to be a two night finale on the 29th & 30th, so I don’t know if Peter will be at the MTA. They might save him for the finale. I can’t really think of anyone else who would warrant getting called up in the hot seat since none of the remaining guys got enough air time. Cam, Mike, and Luke absolutely will be since of the guys that will be there, they had the most time on camera. Dylan? John Paul Jones? Kevin? Dustin? No, no, no, and no. The audience wasn’t invested in any of their journeys. So I’ll go with those three and maybe Garrett would be a possible 4th. Although, I could maybe see them bringing John Paul Jones up there strictly for comedic value.
Ok, lets get to the big news from yesterday which was Jed speaking out for the first time in regards to everything that’s been going on. Here’s what he wrote on IG:
Jed IG:
Lets make one thing clear right off the bat. No contestant, or contestant family member, should be threatened or harassed in any way based on what you’ve seen on the show or read on this site or other media outlets. No matter how big of a douche you think Jed is, no matter how mad you are at him for doing this to Hannah, you’re a sick, sick individual and honestly need serious help if you’re taking time out of your day to threaten or harass Jed, his sister, his mom, his dog, whatever. Get a f***ing grip on yourself and your life for that matter if you’re that bothered by this. You’ve completely lost touch with reality. So for that part of Jed’s post, I’m with him. As everyone else should be. He and his family don’t deserve that. Moving on…
Now with that said, I know that really won’t change much. Why? Because we see this every season. What Jed is experiencing is no different than what Olivia received, or Corinne received, or Krystal during Arie’s season, or even Chris during Becca’s season. This is what happens and is one of the negative aspects of this show. I feel like I say this every season about people taking things way too far with that seasons “villain,” yet here we are again. And we’ll be there next season for whoever that villain is, I guarantee it. You can only do so much. It’s why if anyone ever asks me about going on this show, this is the stuff I focus on. This is the stuff I warn them about. Of course, they don’t listen because they don’t think any of that stuff will happen to them, but you have to go into this show 100% ready for an onslaught of negative feedback unlike anything you’ve ever seen in your life.
Outside of a few past contestants who were in the spotlight for something they did, most of these people cast are just every day people who’ve never been put under a microscope or had their life dissected before. There’s no way to prepare for it if you’ve never been there, and 95% of these contestants have no clue how to handle it. I hate to say it, but Jed brought this upon himself. He didn’t think he was because I don’t think for a second Jed ever thought that Haley would speak to the media and show receipts. Well, she did and now he must suffer the consequences. The consequences being a broken engagement and heavy media criticism. He doesn’t deserve threats or harassment, but he does deserve any criticism coming his way. People are allowed to have opinions when news like this breaks. They should keep it to just that, opinions, but we know others get carried away. Hell, telling trolls “stop threatening and harassing” is probably gonna make them do it more unfortunately. It’s the price you pay for going on this show and none of these people ever choose to look at it that way.
We get that Jed can’t address this now because he’s still on the show and anything he says publicly would be impossible to address without spoiling the show. However, I’m still trying to wrap my head around what this guy could possibly say in the finale when can speak for the first time on this that’s gonna make anyone do a 180 on him. If Haley never provided receipts, then sure, it’s a he said, she said and there would be people who’d take Jed’s side over her. But we saw what he wrote her. If he tries to downplay the relationship, the receipts prove otherwise. He could come out and say, “I broke up with her, we were over, she knew we were over and she’s lying,” but if that’s the case, then why are you telling her you love her before you get on the plane to go film and to wait for you? The guy just needs to own what he did, realize it cost him a relationship, grovel, beg, say you ruined the best thing you ever had with Hannah, and maybe maybe that’ll garner you some sympathy with the viewers. Other than that, I can’t think of anything this guy could say or do where everyone’s gonna do a 180 on the guy.
Recap begins on Page 2…