-Tyler’s hometown immediately starts with Hannah and Tyler rubbing suntan lotion all over each other. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this was very much a sexual innuendo. We don’t see that often on this show where two people rub each other down like it’s going out of style. But this couldn’t have been more overt if they tried. But hey, they are two sexual beings who have every right to rub lotion on each other if they so choose. Just don’t think that wasn’t lost on the audience since the amount of women making comments about it on social media and how Tyler could rub them down anytime I’m sure played a role in why this was done. They take the boat around for a little bit then jump in the water, and lets hope that lotion was waterproof. I know a lot of lotions are, but some of them that’s false advertising. I’ve absolutely gotten burned after putting waterproof lotion on so I say screw you Coppertone. I hope they used Hawaiian Tropic. Where were we?
-As we’ve heard this season, Tyler’s dad got really sick right before he left for filming. Tyler states the obvious to Hannah: “I haven’t seen him since…I left.” Ummmm, yeah. We kinda figured. Not sure how you would’ve seen him once you left for the show, but hey, details. Hannah and Tyler dance around as a band plays and the patrons surrounding it all take out their phones and send me the videos to it. Three of the four hometown dates were spoiled in real time for those that don’t remember back in April when they filmed. Parts of Jed’s, Tyler’s, and Luke’s date were all spoiled while out in public, with Tyler’s getting spoiled the most. And in case you forgot, the order they were filmed were Luke (April 20th), Tyler (April 22nd), Jed (April 24th), and Peter (April 26th). It’s easy to see why Peter’s never got spoiled based on what they did. Nothing they did was in public where people passing by would see. And I think for ANY LA hometown date they’ve had, nothing’s ever gotten out. In recent seasons, a couple that come to mind are Kendall’s and Desiree’s. I just think in LA, the city is so big, they’d never really do anything where people would see them. And if they did, I don’t think people in LA care about filming going on because there’s ALWAYS something being filmed in LA. But yeah, when you show up in Gainesville, GA with a camera crew, it’s probably gonna be known.
-Hannah and Tyler meet with the family and Tyler gets to see his dad. Good stuff here as we see Tyler actually show emotion when they speak. Look, Tyler has basically been Mr. Perfect all season, and almost every woman watching this show wants to bear his children, but c’mon lets be honest, he isn’t the most excitable guy in the world. He speaks in the same tone for everything he does and I can never tell if he’s happy, sad, angry, or elated. But I get it. That’s his thing. Always being under control. Chris Harrison said it at the beginning of the season, it’s confidence bordering on cockiness. I don’t really know because all I’ve seen is 8 episodes of a television show. He may be cocky. And if he’s not, I can see where people might think that his confidence comes off as cockiness. It’s a fine line. It’s hard to get a read on him since he doesn’t show much emotion in anything he does. Very monotonous. Not a good thing or a bad thing, it’s just a…thing. Makes him hard to read.
-The gist of this hometown date was that Tyler wants his dad to be there when he gets married and has kids, and Tyler believes he’s ready for that. Hannah we know is ready for that based on their sexual chemistry and how she’d probably have his baby and move to Jupiter tomorrow. I know everyone is asking about Hannah and Tyler now, and all I can tell you is we don’t know anything. You can speculate all you want, but until the finale, we are not going to know 100% what’s going on with these two. I get it. You have to know now. You have to know yesterday actually since I get asked it all day every day if there’s a chance Hannah and Tyler will get back together. Of course there’s a chance. She obviously had strong feelings for them and they’re now both single. But I haven’t heard anything about them getting back together. Doesn’t mean they won’t, doesn’t mean they will. Means we won’t know anything until the finale at the end of the month. The only thing I know is these two haven’t seen each other since filming ended and I doubt they will in the next 3 weeks. Any reconciliation between these two, if it were to happen, would happen at the ATFR. And honestly, I don’t think Hannah needs to jump into anything so soon. But I’m not her, so we’ll see.