Hey Steve,
THANK YOU for your hard work this season. I know it hasn’t been easy trying to track down info and weed through all the theories. I had to put my dad into a memory care facility recently, and honestly, reading your recaps has given me something to look forward to each week. Thanks for being a bright spot in this dark patch.
I may have missed it, but do you know what order the overnight dates were filmed in? It seems like if Madison was first, it would make sense for her to be upset if he slept with Victoria and Hannah Ann. But if she was last, then the damage had already been done before she told Peter she’s a virgin. As you saw Monday night, she tells Peter she’s a virgin before they head to Australia. He knew. And he still had sex with others.
The producers are working overtime this season for the drama. I really believe this one has been the most dramatic season. I mean, having the final three meet just so two of them can dish on what they did in the fantasy suites?! Are you kidding me??? It’s almost TOO much producer interference.
Thanks as always!
Comment: I’m really curious to see how that conversation takes place because, yeah, since it’s nothing we’ve seen before, how are they going to make it look organic and not because they were told to?
Hi Steve,
I’m curious if you can share some about “happy couple weekend” spoilers. Do you usually hear when/if they’re going on? And do they sometimes help confirm or change your ending spoiler? For instance, did you ever hear incorrectly that Tyler and Hannah were having happy couple visits, or did you hear that she was having them with Jed which helped you change the spoiler? Just using them as an example, but it seems like in recent seasons (especially this one), post-filming intel has been so crucial. Would love to know what that time of the season is like for you!
Comment: Every season is different. My changing of the Hannah spoiler from Tyler to Jed had nothing to do with a Happy Couple Weekend. The changing from Peter to Bryan for Rachel’s season did.
Hey Mr. Steve,
If the lead’s choice leaves before the final rose ceremony (such as Madison) do you think the producers would allow him/her to “cancel” that ceremony and send the other finalist home without the pomp & ceremony that the final rose entails? I guess I’m wondering how important that final limo ride and sunset heartbreak are to the producers? Very important.
Also, has your traffic been higher this season? I’ve never before been unable to load your site but it’s happened a few times to me with Peter’s season. Is it possible that not having the answer has made you even more popular???
Thanks for making the show fun!
Comment: I wouldn’t say it’s spiked tremendously. It’s as solid as any other season, really.
Hi RS!
I just wanted to get your thoughts on the sudden change of tone in Kelley’s edit. At the beginning of the season, it seemed like she was edited (and probably is this way in real life) to be mature and thoughtful and more serious than a typical contestant. However, this week, her edit made her look arrogant and catty with the other girls.
My thought is that production didn’t account for how well received she would be and for how big of a fan base she would have so when it became apparent that she wouldn’t want to be the Bachelorette, they decided to change her edit to something far less kind and much more dramatic.
Or, do you think it’s possible that she was that way with the girls all along and was just shown in a better light at the beginning of the season?
Always appreciate what you do!
Comment: For whatever reason, they gave her a crappy edit in that episode. I guess because they needed to give the audience some reason to not like her. It was clear that a lot of the stuff she said was on voiceovers, which are impossible to take at face value.
Hi Steve! Don’t worry, I am old too. I will turn 40 in May so I definitely got the Ghost reference. Now I’m afraid when Survivor starts, some people won’t know some of the cast because they are too young to remember the early winners. Scary! I wish Jenna, Tina, and Richard were playing this season, but I can’t wait. Do you think it’ll be best for Rob and Amber to be put on separate tribes? Well, we all saw how THAT went down in the premiere. The past champions wasted no time in breaking up the Rob/Amber alliance.
I really hope you have Kelley on your podcast! I really enjoyed your recent chats with Mark, Dalton, and Jenni. On the radio this morning, they were talking about the producer theory and whether or not it could be true or not, and the guy said, “What does Reality Steve say?” 🙂 I’d love to have Kelley on sometime, but my guess is it wouldn’t be for a while.
I saw the best comment the other day. It was, “Saying that you enjoy watching The Bachelor for the love story, is like someone saying that they read Playboy for the articles.” I’d say that’s pretty accurate.
So Madi tells Peter her thoughts on the fantasy suite dates. If Peter knew Madi was the one he wanted to marry, he wouldn’t sleep with Hannah Ann or Victoria, and he’d marry Madi. Obviously that didn’t happen. I think Madi must be especially grossed out that Peter knew Victoria had recently been with Chase Rice, he heard she slept with multiple married men in her hometown, and yet he still wanted to sleep with her in the fantasy suite even though he didn’t see a future with her. I cannot imagine Madi and Peter ever getting married. Neither can I. But then again, I can’t see him marrying any one of his women this season.
I am going to keep hoping Angela or the girl who got screwed over by Pauley (I am blanking on her name) could be bachelorette. They actually seem to want to settle down. I’m coming around to the idea of Tia, but Kendall is a terrible idea. She said she was blindsided by her recent breakup with Joe (he decided he wanted to live in Chicago, not LA). I think you’re talking about Danielle. Yeah, it’s not gonna be her.
Finally, is this season and the emails you are getting, the most annoying ever? Or does another season stand out as the one where you kept thinking, “I cannot wait for this season to be over!” In a word, “yes.”
I haven’t written since your aunt passed away…I am so sorry. I agree with her great idea that you and Howard Stern should sit down and discuss The Bachelor one day. I’d also love for you to have Alison Williams (I think that’s her name)…the Girls actress who is a huge bachelor fan…on your podcast!
Comment: I’m game for either, but that might not be so easy.
Hey Steve,
I’m sure you’ll get more emails like this but figured I’d ask anyway. I know we are a week assay from your next reader emails column, but whatever. I saw Kendall posted on her story a video from her “down to date” podcast’s IG page, which was an interview clip of her discussing her breakup and talking about how she’s ready for love and marriage. I love Kendall but this kind of wreaked of desperation for bachelorette, which I can’t picture her trying to do, but she was saying how she’s not closed off to love and marriage is her goal and all this stuff that people really only say on the bachelor and bachelorette, not real life. Have you heard anything about her wanting the gig or trying to get it? Cause I can’t see much of any other reason for her posting that and saying it in those words. I mean, she’s a candidate just because she’s single now. But I really have no idea if she will even be asked.
I like Kendall a lot and think she’s super cool, but can’t see her as the bachelorette. Especially can’t see them going back 3 seasons to cast an old contestant who wasn’t super memorable or crazy obvious “bachelorette” material. But then again, Peter had bachelor written all over him and has turned out to be a terrible choice in terms of decision making and rewarding drama.
Comment: Always remember, the show is made in casting. They can get away with a lead being ok.
Thanks for all the work you’re doing to get the spoilers this season. Sounds like it’s been a lot of work and it makes the show a lot more fun to watch.
Question 1: Do you have any theories as to WHY you haven’t found out the ending yet? I’m guessing you normally hear how the final rose ends up via leaks from crew members or others on the set. It’s always in a remote location so it couldn’t be members of the public. Do you think they just did a really good job convincing everyone to keep their mouth shut this time around? Perhaps they told everyone in the crew they’ll get a huge bonus if the ending stays unspoiled until the finale airs? You’re making A LOT of assumptions with this. The thing is, and I’ve said this before, I’m pretty sure I’ve been told the ending. The problem is I’ve been told so many, I’m trying to pinpoint which one is the correct one.
Question 2: You said you doubt the Bachelorette will be anyone from Peter’s season. I agree, I can’t think of anyone except maybe Hannah Ann, but it would be super weird timing to do that given that we won’t find out if she’s with Peter up until right before they announce the Bachelorette. So thinking through who else it could be: obviously not Hannah B, Hannah G, Cassie, or Caelynn – what about Tayshia! She’s single and she’d be amazing, definitely proved during BIP that she can carry a storyline and be interesting on camera dealing with lots of drama.
Comment: I don’t see it being her.
Hey RS,
Something I’ve always wondered about is how do the producers keep the girls isolated whenever they fly commercial? They have to be in an airport. Why are they never seen? How do they keep them away from TVs, phones, and magazines?
Comment: It’s happened a couple times, but not often. One thing you gotta remember is that when they’re flying around the country filming the show, very few people know who they are because they aren’t diehards that follow the spoilers on a daily basis during filming. They aren’t recognizable at that point because they haven’t been on TV yet. NOW, if Madison or Hannah Ann was flying somewhere would they be noticed? Absolutely. Because people have seen them on TV for the last 7 weeks. But when they are filming, it’s basically luck if they get noticed and it’d have to be from a SUPER fan who follows this shit every day. Because an average/casual fan wouldn’t recognize them in an airport or on a plane.
Hey steve!
Was just wondering if you think the reason this season is so messy and catty is because Elan Gale is no longer there? Has he commented on this season?
Comment: I don’t know. Don’t follow the guy. But Elan was just as bad as these producers manipulating contestants and getting them to say/do stupid shit on camera. He’s no different. And was easily replaceable.
Steve! Just read the update on the final 2/rose ceremony! SO awesome….
Questions –
I can’t recall if you have said this before but for ratings purposes, is it still in the mix when people record the show on Monday and watch it the next day? Or are those numbers only based on live viewings? The overnight ratings are, obviously, ones who watched it at some point on Monday night. Even if it was on their DVR. But they have DVR +3 DVR +7 as well, which is watching it within those time frames. But most advertisers really care about overnight numbers. Some shows have a big streaming audience, but not a show like the “Bachelor.”
Based on how Kelley reacted to Peter being indecisive, etc., do you expect her to sever all ties with Bachelor Nation or do you think she’ll get sucked in and end up in Paradise? Not sure. Tough to get a read. I think we’ll know come WTA.
I’m assuming your theory on the final episodes is accurate, so given that info, do you think Hannah Ann would be considered as Bachelorette or will they already have selected someone and announced her? And if she’s not in the running, would you expect her to be in Paradise?
Thanks for your spoilers- I read your stuff almost daily!!!
Comment: I don’t see Hannah Ann getting the “Bachelorette” gig.
Hi Steve,
I wouldn’t go through a season without reading your spoilers! Thanks for all of your efforts!
My question is are the contestants required to post on social media about their The Bachelor experience? I’m looking at Madison’s IG and wonder how she could post “the most perfect date with the perfect guy” if she chose not to stay with Peter in the end. All I can think is they have to post pictures per contract. Do you know?
Comment: It doesn’t specifically say you HAVE to, but, to build your brand and your viewership engagement, it makes the most sense to.
This has been bugging me way too much. I know with this show, the bachelor and the bachelorette usually have sex in the fantasy suite, with the bachelor usually sleeping with more of his top three. Unfortunately there is a double standard (see Hannah brown). I assume peter has sex with at least two of his top three. I know Hannah had sex with peter, but not Tyler or Luke. Does she have sex with Jed in the fantasy suite? This is bothering me way too much, and I can’t find news to support that they have sex (Hannah and Jed), in the fantasy suite
Comment: I’m pretty sure she did. Do I have confirmation of it? No. But it really would be a head scratcher to admit to having sex with Peter 4 times and eliminate him at the very next rose ceremony, but not have it with Jed and make him your final choice. I don’t think it’s far fetched to think she slept with Jed.
Good morning!
Reading what you have about Peter’s season, you seem as fed up with The Bachelor as all of us are at this point. I just wanted to say thank you for all of your spoilers. Honestly! I am not a person that enjoys being surprised and will pull my hair out trying to figure out endings to things, so your site has been a game changer for me. Anxiety is a bitch. I hope you have a fantastic day, and I hope people will stop being dicks about what you can’t tell them.
Comment: I’m sure they won’t, but I appreciate the support. It’s seasons like these where, yeah, I’m gonna hear it non stop all day every day until people have their answer unfortunately.
Hi Steve,
I really love your website and your posts, I’m hesitant to send this because I bet you are already getting tons of messages/ and you’ve probably thought the same thing.
It seems like from the new promo and when we see more of Peter’s mom breakdown that it would be about Madi. But then she says “This is what love stories are made of” and if it’s about Madi, how is this what love stories are made of? I can see where that could be a love story.
Madi says she couldn’t move forward if he sleeps with anyone else and then it seems like he does, even though he knows how Madi feels. Peter’s behavior is not what love stories are made of (At least in my opinion).
Comment: I see what you’re saying, but I don’t think you’re thinking long term. It’s certainly possible. Believable? That would be up to each individual person to decide. But definitely possible.
Hey RS, the Champion of Everyone! Thanks to Olivia Caridi for that, and she was RIGHT ON!
RS, you hear it all the time, and it is true…. Thank you for all that you do. Your spoilers and your behind the scenes info make the Bachelor SOOO much more interesting. This season is a great example. Peter and the women may not be the most enchanting. I was about to give up watching this season. But now that you have spilled Madison’s self-elimination, you betcha we will be tuned in to see how this hot mess all plays out!
Wonder if production foresaw this happening, so they conveniently set up the chat among Madi, Hannah Ann, and Victoria? We will see!
You were commenting about the reference to Ghost (movie) at the beginning of the Oscars, and you feel OLD because the youngsters did not know what it was. BTW, I think I am a bit older than you, and YES, this sort of stuff makes me feel old too!
Anyway, you wrote in response to a reader email, “I’m still floored by that. If in a future season, they put the lead in a flying DeLorean and no one knows what that is, I’m gonna hurt somebody.”
Well, this was kinda already done, by Cassie Randolph and her sister Michelle Randolph, in the “Young Once” series (Cassie filmed this prior to Bachelor of course).
Episode 1, season 1 – Cassie and Michelle were models in a photo shoot in “some 80s car.” They joked about how their mom may be excited about it.
Funny that they do not say “Back to the Future,” but us old fogies know exactly what this was. Proud old fogies, we are!
Comment: I liked Cassie a lot before you told me that story. Now she’s dead to me.
