We are one week away from this train wreck of a season. For the past 10 weeks, it’s just been steamrolling down the tracks, wobbling side-to-side, sometimes firing up sparks on the track due to all the cringe worthy moments, etc. But now finally next week, we are one week away from this thing coming to a full stop. Although, there’s no way this pulls up to the station nicely, everybody gets off, then others jump on, and we head off on a new journey. This one is seriously just a disaster waiting to happen. Think of any of your favorite action shows or action movies that had a bad ass train scene in it with explosions, shootings, hijackings, etc. That’s this season. Or hey, maybe like in “Speed” when Dennis Hopper got decapitated on top of the train barreling down the tracks because Keanu pushed his head up. All that to say I’m glad this thing is over, it’s still going to get worse before it gets better, and yet again last night, this show proved how absolutely tone deaf they are with that father/son chat they allowed us to listen in to. The ONLY good thing was that Matt knew it was coming. And that’s bare bones minimum good. Other than that, yeah, no. Totally inappropriate.
Before we get to all that, lets recap the latest in Bachelor Nation. As you know, the ATFR filmed this past Friday in LA. Emmanuel Acho hosted, Matt and his final 3 women were there – as was Katie. I reported early last week that Katie was going to be announced as the next “Bachelorette” in the coming days, and it happened at the taping this past Friday. HOWEVER, there is some sort of twist to it. Bad new though. I don’t know what it is. I know a lot of people have emailed & DM’ed me about their thoughts based on Katie’s tweets, etc. A lot of people are thinking we’re gonna have double Bachelorettes again. I don’t think that’s it. Or that somehow Katie sat in a hotel all last week quarantining, gave up her phone, only to get on stage and turn down the Bachelorette gig so a BIPOC contestant could have it. That’s not it either. I don’t know what the twist is to the season, but I don’t believe based on things I’ve heard that it’s either of those. Katie is the “Bachelorette.” But there’s something added on to it that I don’t know what it is yet. Hopefully I’ll find out before next Monday. If not, we’ll all find out together on the ATFR.
The other thing is, we still don’t know who the host will be next season. So many reports coming out and, yet again, Michael Strahan’s name keeps getting thrown out there, as does Emmanuel’s. Michael Strahan has to be in NY five days a week for a daily show. I highly doubt he’s giving up that gig to go sit in New Mexico for 6 weeks and get 2 minutes of airtime on this show. Emmanuel has a daily sports show on FS1. Same thing with him. I just don’t see him leaving that so he can get a barely speaking role on a show that isn’t in his wheelhouse. I know there’s reports that, “Oh ABC wants to see how Emmanuel is received by the audience before they decide next season’s host,” but that seems way to premature. The guy hasn’t even been at FS1 a year I don’t believe. Why would he take the Bachelor/ette hosting gig over having a daily talk show every day debating sports? Especially when we know FS1 throws around stupid money like 4 years and $32 million to that turd Skip Bayless. Emmanuel, your future is in sports and you’re someone people listen. For all that is good, stay as far away from this franchise as you can. Hosting the ATFR? I’m all for that. But permanent host? No. You don’t need that headache.
With Chris’ apology on GMA last Thursday, I still don’t think he’s done with the franchise forever. You got Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, someone that has been helping Chris behind the scenes, basically vouching for him saying Chris is putting in the time and he’s learning, I think we can all see where this is going. I don’t think Chris hosts “Bachelorette” since it’s too soon, but I really don’t think he’s gone forever. You can practically already write ABC’s statement yourself if/when they finally determine Chris can come back. Not that hard to realize how they’re going to spin it. And I’ll repeat this til I’m blue in the face: He were are exactly now 4 weeks removed from Chris’ interview with Rachel Lindsay, and not one person from the network, the production team, or the franchise has spoken out about what Chris did, what the plan is moving forward, how they’re going to change, etc. You name anything, they’ve said nothing. Embarrassing.
I’m sure we’ll be talking more about this on my live tonight at 8ET/5PT with Ashley Spivey. Plenty to talk about again tonight from Chris’ interview, to more harassment this weekend, to last night’s abomination of the father/son chat, along with the Katie news. As always, be kind, and if you’re just gonna come in and troll and leave nasty comments, while Ashley and I may not see them during the live, other people inform us right after the live who was leaving nasty shit and I just go and block. So while you may not get blocked during, just know, we’re being told after the fact. Amazing that I have to tell people not to act like complete assholes online, but yeah, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
Episode #4 of “Temptation Island” tonight on USA network at 10/9c. I’d say tonight is where things start heating up. One of the singles is called out by numerous people, second dates happen, and the Kendal/Alexcys relationship continues to grow. You heard Kendal on the podcast last week. This week, you’ll hear from Erica. Can’t wait to talk to her as I’m sure she’ll have a bit to say about what goes down in tonight’s episode. That’ll be posted Thursday.
A little light on “Reader Emails” so far this week, so get those in today for tomorrow’s column. Only this week and next week are left for “Reader Emails” this season, and then we take a couple months off until the show starts back up again.
Your recap begins on Page 2…