Lets start with this one. This is probably the most genius chart Suzana has ever come up with. I’ll explain in detail after you read this:
I noticed last night that in the intros, Nate made heart hands when they said his name. I couldn’t ever remember a guy doing that on the MTA. And sure enough, he is the first person to ever do heart hands on his intro. How do I know this? I asked Suzana last night. She has access to every MTA season since 6 and has taken notes on all the gestures every guy has done when their name was announced, and Nate was the first one to make heart hands. That’s roughly 21 seasons, with 12-18 guys every season on the show and he’s the only one to ever do it. Wow. What a trailblazer. Lets see if anyone else follows in his footsteps in future seasons. My guess is no.
Also in regards to Nate, the picture of him this past weekend holding hands with a girl in what looked like a Chicago grocery store was confirmed to be someone I was told about right after the Kelsey/Laree story. But I’ve made it a point to not out any “couples” if it’s someone from Bachelor Nation with someone who isn’t. If it’s BN & BN, or it’s BN and someone who’s somewhat famous/athlete, then I think it’s fair game. But if someone from BN is seeing/dating/hooking up with someone that nobody knows, I leave it alone. I do know she’s been public on IG since I was told about her weeks ago, then yesterday went private, so she’s clearly aware that picture is out there and I assume doesn’t want people stalking her IG now and maybe figuring out who she is and harassing her. Nor should she. What does it mean for Nate’s possible Bachelor future? I have no idea.
Now, another Bachelor Nation that’s rumored to be reunited is Peter & Kelley. Neither of them have addressed it publicly, but there have been plenty of signs in recent weeks. Being at a Cubs game together, then him leaving thirsty comments on some of her IG pics. So we’ll wait til the official announcement, but the signs are there. I mean, Kelley can do whatever she wants with her life and she can date whoever she pleases, but when it’s someone she threw some serious shade at after their breakup, basically calling him a kid, she can’t be remotely surprised if this doesn’t work out nor should anyone feel sorry for her. She knows what she’s getting into if they are back together. So whatever happens, she can’t be possibly end up being surprised by any outcome. Sooooooo, good luck?
Overall, was that not one of the strangest MTA’s we’ve ever had. Basically nothing dramatic happened, which is why I think they needed to fill it with so many plugs for other things. I mean, there were basically two “villains” this season, Chris and Hayden, and neither of them were there. They spent about 1 min talking about each of them. But boy did they make up for it by doing a “live” commercial for the “Bros” movie, the new trailer for the Kardashians, a segment on BIP with Serene, Genevieve, Victoria F., & Andrew, and the Oprah moment of Jesse giving out cruises to everyone involved. Not to mention, the first 20 minutes of the show were spent on Aven’s hometown. So yeah, they were reeeeeeaaallllly stretching for content in last night’s episode.