Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Podcasts

    “Reader Emails,” Injury News (Sort of), Rachel/Gabby Talk Their Season & Today’s Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Doctor visits are fun, aren’t they? Didn’t get much of a diagnosis yesterday, got an X-ray because they said I needed that before I got an MRI, Achilles is still swelled, I walk with a sever limp, and they didn’t have any boots for me, so I bought one online that’ll arrive tomorrow. And I got some anti-inflammatory medicine to take. Other than that, nothing got accomplished. The good thing is, it hasn’t gotten any worse. I do notice a little black and blue now, but the swelling hasn’t gotten worse. It really feels like right after you roll your ankle. You just don’t have a lot of range of motion because it’s stiff. Same with my heel area. Just feels very stiff and I … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    “Reader Emails,” Instagram Numbers Way Down, Social Media “Clues” (Or Not), & Your Daily Roundup Podcast

    Photo Credit: ABC

    You think this show is ever gonna do two leads again? Uhhhhh, probably not. Yes, the show will change from episode 4 on since each have their own journey. And there won’t be any more focus on competition and what not. Even Logan makes his feelings known and essentially has Rachel’s blessing to switch to Gabby, which she accepts. But just the overall vibe so far this season is that people hate how it’s been shown. Can’t say I disagree. I get that they always focus on drama early on, and then later in the show is where you see more serious relationships, but having your leads constantly crying in episodes 2 and 3 because of how they feel they’re being treated by the guys, … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    “Reader Emails,” Misinformation Again in the Nick/Blake Feud, Jordan V.’s Exit, & Your Daily Roundup

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Some good emails this week for “Reader Emails,” but the one recurring one that I got more than any surrounded Jordan V.’s exit. Mostly people just asking why didn’t he have a chance with Gabby once Rachel didn’t want him. Short answer: she didn’t want him either. Plenty of other topics today in “Reader Emails,” so check those out. But clearly a lot will be talking about what I covered mostly in today’s Daily Roundup, and that’s the Nick/Blake feud that continued yesterday. You knew Nick wouldn’t let Blake’s IG post from last week calling Nick a hypocrite go unanswered, so Nick addressed it. Could he have let it go? Sure. But god forbid he got called a hypocrite, so he spent time on his … Continue reading

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