Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” & Finale Update

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Good start to the RSVP’ing for the Fan Appreciation Party on June 3rd in Las Vegas. In the first 24 hours, we got about 25% of the capacity taken. This party will be in the same room it was for parties #2, #3, and #4, so I’m gonna cap it around 100 people. First come, first serve. If you want in, just let me know. I only have a smaller amount set aside for the time being for locals. If out of town/staters don’t fill, then I can start adding more locals. I just never know who’s going to respond. No charge to get into the party. Open beer and wine bar and there will be food. Party lasts usually about 3 hours. Your admission … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails” and Early BIP Talk


    Was having a talk with someone last night who may or may not have been on a past season of BIP and who may or may not be on a future season of BIP, and we were talking about this years potential cast. Now, we know that most of the women on this season of BIP will be Clayton’s women. But do you realize the next most recent group of women they could pull from would be Matt and Peter’s season? And Matt’s season had a ton of women already on last season: Serena P., Serena C., Victoria, Alana, Pieper, Jessenia, Abigail, Chelsea, Anna & Marie. Sure, they could bring some of them back to repeat, but I’m talking about new blood. What about Peter’s … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    Podcast #274 – Interview with Reality TV Casting Producers, Jason Cornwell & Damon Collazo from Cornwell Casting


    A real fun podcast for you this week as we’ve never really gotten to go behind the curtain with anybody in the casting/production world (outside of one person) until today, when I speak with Jason Cornwell and Damon Collazo from Cornwell Casting. They cast this season of “Joe Millionaire” among some of their other shows over the years like “Million Dollar Matchmaker,” “Tough Love,” “Kate Plus Date,” “Mental Samurai,” among others. A really fun dive into what goes into casting a reality dating show, in particular how they cast this season of “Joe Millionaire.” Before the interview, I briefly discuss the WTA filming next week and then address why I don’t just share what I’ve heard about Clayton’s ending. There’s a reason for it. Short … Continue reading

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