Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Reader Emails

    Biggest “Reader Emails” of the Season

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Normally on a regular week of “Reader Emails,” I get usually anywhere from 25-35 emails. This week we’re basically double that as I believe we’re close to 60 this week. And that’s with me deleting quite a few because they were repetitive questions. As the season ramps up, and obviously with the amount of information and tea that’s been spilled the last couple weeks on the site, it’s only natural that the interest and questions begin to spike. I know I say this every season, but anyone who judges whether or not they’re going to watch immediately after finding out who the lead is is just mind boggling to me. You have no idea what’s going to happen on any given season. This season couldn’t … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Ratings, Jed’s Song, & Hannah Speaks Out

    Great googly moogly. Another wild ass day yesterday in Bachelor Nation with the amount of emails, calls, and texts I was fielding. There will be a good payoff, I promise, just need to get everything in order. This season has turned into a real sh**show onscreen and a crazy ass one off screen, that’s for sure. Don’t worry. Nothing is changing about the spoiler. That’s intact. There’s just so many other things going on, and things I hear, that I have to determine once again the validity of everything I hear. Sometimes it’s easier than others. But this season hasn’t been nearly as cut and dry as season’s past, so there’s a lot more digging that needs to be done. What I do know is … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    The “Bachelorette” Hannah – Episode 5 Mini Recap, “Reader Emails,” BIP Info, & Recap of the Vegas Weekend

    Photo Credit: ABC

    What a weekend. Got a few stories to share here and on the podcast this week, so bear with me. First off, a huge thank you again to everyone who made it out to the party this weekend. Didn’t get an official head count, but judging by the guest list and others who showed, looked like we had between 140-150 people there. And it definitely felt it since those that were there know how toasty it got inside the room. First time we had it at the Rio, the room was unbelievable, the top floor Presidential Suite with the view from the roof of the Rio was such an added bonus so people could go outside to get air, In my mind, I’d like the … Continue reading

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