Reality Steve

Reader Emails

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Ratings, “Temptation Island,” and Tomorrow’s Podcast

    Photo Credit: ABC

    During the course of doing 114 podcasts up to this point, and even including the “He Said, She Said” ones I’ve done with Sharleen and Ashley, there have been some pretty powerful stories we’ve been told. From Jenn Sterger, to Meredith Phillips, to a rape call we had, there have definitely been a few that were on the more serious side. Tomorrow we’ll get another one of those, and honestly, it’s probably one of the most important ones I’ve done. A former Bachelor Nation contestant, and someone who I’ve had on before, has a story to tell that very few people know. Definitely hasn’t been talked about publicly, and I only found out about it in October when they reached out to me. This is … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Ratings, and “Temptation Island” Episode 2

    Photo Credit: ABC

    So episode 2 of “Temptation Island” aired last night. What’d you think? Was there anything more uncomfortable than Shari and Javen choosing their first dates? The other 6 at least had the decency to grab their dates hand when they chose them as they walked back. Shari and Javen pointed at them like they were in a police line up. “You. I pick you. This way please.” Hilarious. We’re only 2 episodes in though. They’re going to loosen up. And if someone can explain to me what Shari was so upset with watching Javen’s video at bonfire last night, please inform me. I’m just as confused as Host Mark was. Like, what did she see that was so bad? Am I missing something? I’m going … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Ratings, & “Temptation Island” Talk & Clip From Next Week’s Episode

    Photo Credit: ABC

    There seem to be two overlying topics in “Reader Emails” today, and that is either reaction to the Paulie podcast from last week, or, the Kaitlyn/Jason relationship. I guess that’s to be expected. One thing I forgot to mention about the Paulie podcast yesterday that some of you mentioned to me is that you’re seeing it twice in your podcast feed? I know I only see it once in mine, but I can tell you what happened. When I first released it last week, I totally forgot to put in the music bed in the beginning and end. And that bothered me because, well, when you do the same thing for the previous 111 episodes but forget the music for #112, it just sounded weird. … Continue reading

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