Reality Steve



  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Ratings, & “Temptation Island”

    Photo Credit: ABC

    A lot of good emails this week regarding some of the latest happenings in Bachelor Nation. One thing a lot of people are still asking about is the “Bachelorette” gig and who’s gonna get it, and do you think so-and-so has a chance, etc. It might be a question I’m gonna have to start removing from “Reader Emails” just because we don’t know enough yet. I’m gonna keep giving the same answer no matter how many different names you throw at me? All I can do is repeat what I’ve always said. There have been 14 Bachelorettes. Every one of them finished in the top 4 of the season they were on. If you want to give me a name of someone who didn’t finish … Continue reading

  • Temptation Island

    “Temptation Island” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 5 Recap

    Photo Credit: USA Network

    I’m really not sure how much worse it can get for Kaci. It was her idea to bring her boyfriend on this show. It was her logic-over-emotion mindset that put this now-scorching plan into motion. And after only a few weeks, it is her boyfriend declaring his burgeoning feelings to another woman, even as the woman he has been with for five years has decided for sure that their relationship is very definitely worth saving. To move forward while literally being stuck in this horrible little experiment that’s being televised to the masses, Kaci either has to take her mind off what she now knows is going on by trying to lose herself in something that, at the very least, mimics infatuation, or she can … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 23 - Colton

    The “Bachelor” Colton – Episode 6 Recap, An Additional Spoiler, & That Tricky Season Ending Preview

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Oooohhhhh boy. When I saw what they showed last night in the previews for the rest of the season, I knew the bombarding of tweets and emails was coming. All I can say is what I reported is true. There could be a number of things that the clip of Colton standing with a ring could be. I’m here to tell you that seeing that doesn’t change anything of what I reported. We know how this show works. We know how they love to tease the hell out of things to make you think one thing when it isn’t that thing. I’m not worried about what was shown last night. So everyone can take a deep breath now regarding the extended preview for the remainder … Continue reading

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