Reality Steve



  • Floribama Shore

    “Floribama Shore” – Nell Kalter’s Finale Recap


    It’s all come down to this, my friends. An episode MTV has chosen to call the “Summer Finale” of Floribama Shore – a term that seems more than a bit optimistic considering the fact that my tan has long since faded – is upon us, and we all know full well that there’s no way this group would ever enter a mini hiatus without experiencing and inflicting a heap of carnage first.

    Based on what has transpired this season, some very important questions should already be swimming through our minds. Will Gus and Nilsa ever move beyond drunken hookups and become the perfect couple that currently only exists inside of Nilsa’s very “extra” mind? Will Kortni ever stop pissing in streets – and just … Continue reading

  • Podcasts

    Podcast #98 – Interview with Jacqueline Trumbull & a Sudden Passing Bachelor Nation


    I guess we can call this take 2 of Podcast #98 after the Cassandra interview I recorded got torpedoed by ABC/Warner Horizon. We move on, so I talked to Jacqueline Trumbull yesterday, and this became a fascinating interview. She was kinda the ghost girl on Arie’s season, and basically spent a hot minute down in Paradise, but she’s definitely been in the news recently for her brief “relationship” with Jordan from New Zealand, along with tabloid rumors that were spread about her recently. We cover it all and Jacqueline definitely clears the air on things in regards to what was said, what the truth to it really is, and where she stands with Jordan now. Also, we ended the podcast with a discussion about the … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Colton Spoilers

    Why is Podcast #98 with Cassandra Ferguson Not Being Posted? Ask ABC/Warner Horizon


    Honestly, I don’t really know the answer to the question I posted above. I recorded the podcast with Cassandra on Tuesday. Yesterday someone asked me on Twitter who the podcast was with, I said it was with Cassandra, and within two hours she had received a letter from legal over at Warner Horizon saying she’d be violating her contract if she appeared on my podcast. I don’t think they realized it had already been recorded, but that’s neither here nor there. The point being that for whatever reason, they aren’t allowing Cassandra Ferguson on my podcast. Only Cassandra and I have heard the interview. There was nothing in it that was anything worse than any previous podcast guest has said. We talked about her time … Continue reading

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