Reality Steve



  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Tabloids, & the Social Media Hate Continues

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Yesterday sure was a fun day. The trolls came out in full force on Tia. She’d been off social media for about a week because she knew what was coming on Monday’s episode, and it was probably a good idea. Not to mention, the timing of what happened yesterday, just hours after I’d posted about why people have to spew so much hate towards contestants is mind boggling. Apparently a few people didn’t get that message. Of course you’re allowed to question Tia’s actions on the show, why she came back, why she couldn’t let Colton go, is she being a good friend to Becca by confronting her with that right before the rose ceremony – all totally valid points. Hell, I said the exact … Continue reading

  • Bachelor In Paradise 5 Spoilers

    The “Bachelorette” Becca – Episode 8 Recap, (EXCLUSIVE) Bachelor in Paradise Ending Spoilers, Episode 2 of the “He Said, She Said” Podcast w/ Ashley Spivey, & Men Tell All Tapes This Friday

    Photo Credit: ABC

    I’m sure a lot of you saw my tweets all last week promoting the upcoming season of “UnReal.” Well now I can tell you why. Two weeks ago, Hulu approached me about promoting the upcoming season because they were set to drop the full season yesterday on Hulu so people could binge watch. They asked me if I’d help promote it with tweets, pictures, audio, and video clips. Of course I agreed because it completely makes sense with my brand and what I do. I worked with them on past seasons, and this season was no different. Back in May they announced that Hulu was carrying the 4th season, but they never announced an air date. Yesterday, they did in addition to announcing this was … Continue reading

  • Floribama Shore

    “Floribama Shore” – Nell Kalter’s Episode 2 Recap

    Photo Credit: MTV

    In case you missed the first episode of this season’s Floribama Shore, allow me to catch you up: Kortni is psychotic. There. You now know all you need to know. What’s that? You demand evidence to back up my harsh (and completely accurate) diagnosis? Fine. As I am one of those pesky people who, you know, appreciates facts instead of blatant lies being peddled simply to support a false narrative, I am happy to inform you that my above statement is based on the following:

    1. Kortni threatened to beat Nilsa’s carefully made-up face entirely in because Nilsa thought it fair that this summer she should get the larger bedroom. 2. Kortni decreed that particular bedroom to be permanently her own because she once peed … Continue reading

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