Reality Steve



  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #63 – Interview with “Married at First Sight’s” Jason & Cortney Carrion & “Dr. Reality Steve” Emails


    I can be a creature of habit sometimes. Ok, a lot of the time. But I do like when I branch out and do things and think “Why don’t I do that more?” Lets just say I’m so glad I talked to Jason & Cortney Carrion from the first season of “Married at First Sight” for this week’s podcast. How can you not like these two? And you know me, I’m about as skeptical as anyone when it comes to reality TV show relationships. If I find it ridiculous that the “Bachelor” is marrying someone that they’ve spent maybe 3 days with total at the end of 8 weeks of filming, obviously marrying someone at first sight seems preposterous. And it is. But somehow these … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” “Grease 2,” & Those Who Shall Be Ignored From Now On


    What do you think the highlight of my day was yesterday? Posting the column, getting great feedback, looking at my traffic numbers and smiling ear to ear? No. Sticking to my plan of trying to walk 2 miles every day? No. Somehow going to Chick-Fil-A and NOT ordering those waffle fries? No. The highlight of my day yesterday was an emailer quizzing me on “Grease 2” and me getting both questions right. And they were two good questions. Obscure enough to where it wasn’t totally obvious, but definitely showed my vast superior knowledge on that movie. The best part was I happened to be sitting at my computer when the email came in, I started reading it, and I must’ve responded to the email within … Continue reading

  • The Bachelor 22 - Arie

    The “Bachelor” Arie – Episode 5 Recap, Lauren’s Previous Engagement, & Another Arie Ex Speaks Out

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Believe it or not, we’re halfway through the season already. Only two episodes to go before the hometown dates and when things are going to reeeeeeealllly get interesting. I know I say this every season, but it is funny how it takes them one month of real time to get from 29 girls down to 4, but then it takes three weeks of real time to get from 4 down to 1. Shows you how many insignificant cast members there are on any given season. This season is no different. 10 girls are headed to Paris, which is usually about 1-2 more than usually are still around by episode 6. So I guess good for them that a few lucked out and got to travel … Continue reading

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