Reality Steve



  • Bachelor Arie Spoilers

    Daily Links 9/20 Incl “Bachelor” Filming Begins Tonight & (EXCLUSIVE) More Girls on the Upcoming Season

    Photo Credit: ABC

    It officially kicks off today. The next “Bachelor” season begins filming tonight at the mansion. Which of course will lead to the inevitable tweets tonight from Fleiss & Co. along the lines of, “What a great first night!” or “The girls love Arie!” That’s great and all, but when you say the same thing on the first night every season, it pretty much rings hollow. Of course that’s what you’re gonna say. Do we really expect you to say the opposite? “Man, not looking good on the first night. These girls seem bland, boring, and not into Arie at all.” No. But saying the opposite really does nothing either. Just know that’s what I’m sure you’ll be getting tonight. In recent seasons, Fleiss has tweeted … Continue reading

  • Bachelor Arie Spoilers

    Daily Links – 9/19 & (EXCLUSIVE) First Look at One of the Girl’s On Next Season’s “Bachelor”

    Photo Credit: Good Morning America

    I took an informal poll on Twitter yesterday asking readers if they wanted me to release four of Not Peter’s girls all today, or do it once a day for the rest of the week. The overwhelming majority wanted them released at once. As of this post, 9,799 people have voted and 84% wanted those 4 released at the same time. Can’t say I’m too surprised since people have zero patience any more when it comes to spoilers. So here’s what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna give you one today, but then tomorrow and the next day, I’ll give 2 to 3 each day. Fair enough? I’ve got 10 girls for next season as of now. I’m sure I’ll be getting more in the coming … Continue reading

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #43 – Interview with Desiree Siegfried (Part 2), “Dr. Reality Steve,” & (EXCLUSIVE) Who is Ben Higgins Currently Seeing?


    Part 2 of my interview with Desiree Siegfried is now up for your enjoyment. Last week we spent most of the time covering her appearance on Sean’s season and then her season right up until all hell broke loose with Brooks leaving, and that’s exactly where we pick up. She definitely has a lot to say in regards to how her season compares to Rachel’s, her brother’s post-show comments, if she feels shunned by the franchise, what she thought of the wrong spoiler I had all season, and then the $1 million question of why she and Chris are the only married couple from the “Bachelor” or “Bachelorette” franchise who didn’t get a paid televised wedding. That and much more coming on today’s podcast that … Continue reading

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