Not sure how much you know about production of a show, but I was curious to find out Warner Brothers is “producing” (not sure if that’s the right word to use) the show. I assumed WB is a competitor to ABC, as I believe the CW the former WB is still owned by WB. Does ABC not have the production team to film their shows? Or how does that work ABC vs WB when it comes to putting together a show? Do other networks do the same? Is this making sense? I think you’re thinking of the WB network. The production company that produces the Bachelor is NZK Productions. I’m not sure exactly how all it works, but Warner Bros is the parent company I believe.
Love the podcasts, they are my favorite to listen to on my car drives. One of your original podcasts you had brought on some fans to talk bachelor, any chance of doing that again?
Comment: It’s possible I’ll do that in the future. But as of now, I’m reserving that for the “He Said, She Said” podcast where we take calls from listeners.
So I’ve been thinking (and reading) a lot about the BIP “scandal” and just want to give my support to both parties. We will never really know what happened, regardless of what either party states publicly. While I do not believe Raven or Jasmine are lying when they say they believed Corrine to be coherent, aggressive etc… I will say that “black out drunk” is not always what it seems like. I personally had 1 experience where I did not remember most of my night and the next morning when I woke up I asked my date what happened because I truly couldn’t remember. He thought I was joking and when I assured him I really didn’t remember he filled me in. According to him I never acted odd or unable to make decisions (and my friends agreed) – similar to how Raven and Jasmine talk about Corrine – and was truly shocked that I had no idea how we got back to our room or when we left my friends room. I literally could not remember any details he was talking about – even to this day! Luckily we didn’t do anything other than kiss (I know how high school of us), but had we done more he wouldn’t have thought I was not making a sound decision. Alcohol is very tricky and it doesn’t matter what has/hasn’t happened before anything is possible. I really appreciated the article that Evan wrote as he made many great points. I hope Corrine can find closure from this and that Demario can also find peace from this terrible situation. I think the only problem with that when it comes to Corinne is that if we are to believe DeMarios (and Jasmine and Raven for that matter), their hookup was discussed the next morning and Corinne never brought up that point. That’s where the issue lies as of now.
On a side note, I absolutely love the podcasts and literally count the seconds until the next one. Every interview has been so good! I also loved the one you did on Olivia’s podcast. Thanks. There might be more on Olivia’s podcast in the future.
Now that Carly and Evan are married will you/did you buy something from their registry? Can’t remember if you said you do it for BIP couples.
Wishing you continued success!
Comment: No. I only do it for “Bachelor/ette” couples.
Hey Steve!
After this weeks episode i think Dean just became the front runner for Bachelor! Do you think that even if he found love in Paradise, that the producers would still offer him the role of Bachelor if that’s what the fans really wanted? Maybe pull a Nick and dump her on the last day? Or do you think that eventually Peter will win the fans hearts and he will be the next one?
Comment: I do not think Dean will be the next “Bachelor.” I don’t see it at all. My guess is it will be Peter.
First, the light-hearted:
Jojo is flipping a house. You lost that bet. Pay up! Lol.
Also, Kaitlyn has some random comments in a couple of posts/interviews that make me think that she and Shawn are the ones who don’t want to do an ABC wedding. She posted that they almost got married when they went to Hawaii last year and really wanted to do it but they weren’t allowed to get married because ABC still owns the rights to their wedding until a certain amount of time after the show? So they’re waiting to get married until it can be on their terms I think. Just an observation. I think she’s doing a classy version of Juan Pablo’s “I’m not going to give you what you want because you screwed me over” kinda thing. Well, she certainly makes it seem like they’d do one with comments she’s made in the past. Including this most recent one:
ME TOO, when's ours?
— Kaitlyn Bristowe (@kaitlynbristowe) June 18, 2017
Regarding the BIP drama…
Nick’s girls have been a LOT more vocal online on defense of Demario in the last two days. It’s honestly been very refreshing. I was in agreement with you about the Corinne/Taylor issues on Nick’s season, and felt all your observations were very mature and astute. Yet, social media ran to the defense of Corinne. It really surprised me on the one hand, but on the other one, it didn’t. Millennials truly scare me sometimes and I hope and pray some of them will wake up and see the light of day and become mature contributors to society. Anyway, if it shocked me that they came to Corinne’s defense on the season, it shocks me even more now. When umpteen first hand witnesses give actual facts of what they observed, and people STILL believe something else, I’m just so confused. What else would they defend her for? It’s honestly scary. I’m a woman, and I’m the modern feminist-ruled world, I feel women have gone too far sometimes. You don’t get the equality you want by attacking men. You shouldnt build yourself up by tearing men down. You want “equality” at what cost?
Comment: That’s why social media has been the greatest and worst invention all at the same time.
Hi Steve! I know this email won’t make it until next weeks bach of reader emails! As I was reading today’s reader emails I came across the one with the reader from Boston addressing the Kaitlin and Shawn interview! I am also from Boston and missed it so went back and watched the Facebook live interview. Wow it was really awkward!
I enjoy Kaitlin and Shawn they are hilarious on Snapchat. However, I was taken back with them a little in this interview. If they didn’t want to talk about Nick then they should have addressed that before the interview started. Since they didn’t when it was brought up they could have simply said we rather not talk about that. It’s not like this was a secret that was leaked it was a story line on the show so naturally people may ask about it! I just found it silly how mad they got! If you want to watch/listen I shared the links. I included the Facebook live interview as well as the interview of Matty addressing what happened. I figured your readers may be interested in this as well. I’d love to hear your opinion on this also! Thanks for your time! Have a great day:)
Comment: Being out of town last weekend, I still haven’t gotten around to watching this. But if you say it was awkward, like the person last week did, I’ll take your words for it.
Hi Steve!
1) Have any contestants reached out to you (as opposed to you asking them) to be on your podcasts? Would you ever turn anyone away? No one has asked me to be on. But if they did, I can pretty much guarantee I wouldn’t put them on. If I want you on the podcast, I’ll ask. The other way around seems like you’re begging.
2) Would you ever consider having a past producer/cameraman/staff member from the franchise on as a guest?
Comment: I’ve thought about it. Might be tough though.
You mentioned in your latest blog post that filming will resume immediately and pretty much everyone is being flown back to Mexico. There have even been pictures of cast members on the airplane. My question is how are so many of these cast members still so active on social media several days after the announcement filming is resuming. Several are still tweeting, liking/posting and commenting on IG and even doing podcasts and interviews. I don’t know how the social media is working now. I don’t know which ones you’re talking about, but there are a lot of that have gone social media silent.
Also I wanted to say I love your podcast! I started watching around Ashley’s season, but I have found myself looking up cast members you have interviewed before her season and following them. Thanks again!
Comment: Thanks. Got some good ones coming up. Tomorrow with DeAnna is really good. She holds nothing back.
Hi Steve,
Sometimes I read your spoilers ahead of a Bachelor season and sometimes I like to watch spoiler-free. Problem is, if I want to watch spoiler free, I can’t read any of your articles/recaps because they usually contain spoilers. Any chance you would make your recaps spoiler free? Or maybe just put any spoilers at the very end?
Comment: No, only because it’s practically impossible to spoil everything for everyone before the season, then pretend I don’t know what happens in my recaps. I know other sites and shows do that, but that’s just not me.
Hi Steve!
Do you know if something is going on with Peter from Rachel’s season and Jen Saviano? I noticed they are liking each other’s Instagram pics… one of them is of her in a bikini no less haha.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he was interested in her because I saw a pic of his ex, who looks just like Andi. And he said in his old FB post about auditioning for the show that he thought Andi was cute. And now here we are with Jen, who’s also a spitting image of Andi and his ex. At least we know he has a type!
Comment: I think you’re reading into things too much. Likes on social media don’t mean a whole hell of a lot in the grand scheme of things. I’ve been told Peter has liked stuff that Rachel has posted and even other things people have posted about how great him and Rachel are, and they aren’t together. So ultimately it doesn’t matter. And he isn’t the only final two person to do that either. I feel like we hear that every season.
Hi Steve,
I have a question about Kaitlyn and Shawn. I know you always say that you don’t believe a couple from The Bachelor/Bachelorette is going to get married until they actually do. But I was wondering if you’ve heard anything about Kaitlyn and Shawn’s relationship that indicates they will NOT last?
Comment: Not really. But anything can happen at any minute with any of these couples because we don’t really know what’s going on in their lives.