I’m gonna do a condensed recap of yesterday’s episode. I feel like there wasn’t a whole hell of a lot that happened, but definitely were some things I have some thoughts on. So maybe call these some quick hits for you as I observed last night:
-They really built up that Kenny/Lee exit the last couple weeks saying, “You won’t believe what happens.” Ummmm, one guy got eliminated and one guy stayed. Usually what happens on a 2-on-1. Not sure how that one was out of the ordinary. Rachel believed Kenny over Lee like she should’ve and she left Lee in the middle of the Norwegian countryside. We never even got an exit interview from Lee after all that. Not shocking that they hyped something then under delivered. Par for the course.
-Even when Kenny went back and talked to Lee, it wasn’t all that explosive. Although, I did sit there thinking that Rachel was either going to cancel their dinner date for later or not give him a rose for not letting it go. I was basically screaming at the TV saying “Quit while you’re ahead Kenny!” Why even bother with a troll like that when you’ve already “won?” At least he ended up getting his rose later.
-At the rose ceremony, my main question in regards to the spoilers this season was finally answered. Anthony was the key to everything. I didn’t know if he left in Norway or Denmark, thus it subsequently screwed everything up. Once he got eliminated in Norway, everything else played out like I said in the ep-by-ep spoilers: Will would get eliminated on his 1-on-1 in Sweden, Alex went home at the rose ceremony, and whoever made it out of Norway between Kenny and Anthony was the one that would get eliminated on the Viking group date, per Robert Mills saying on his radio show that Rachel eliminated someone on that group date.
-Rachel and Eric’s 1-on-1 was about as standard as you can get. She likes him, there’s an obvious connection there, but I feel like Peter and Bryan are so far ahead of everyone else on this show, it’s really bizarre to watch any date that isn’t theirs. Like, Adam and Matt have made the final 6 and neither have gotten a 1-on-1, neither have gotten much screen time (Adam moreso this last episode), and even if you didn’t know the spoilers, you know there’s zero chance they’d ever make the final four. The 4 guys who do have all gotten 1-on-1’s so far. Not hard to figure out. Adam and Matt were probably strategizing for Paradise while they were in Switzerland.
-Whoever came up with those Viking games should be fired? Even Rachel uttered, “I’ve never seen anything like these Viking games before.” Exactly. It’s because they were made up on the spot, Rachel. They were essentially football drills with Viking costumes on. Good thing Kenny beat Adam in the finals because it would’ve been quite embarrassing for a wrestler to get to the finals of two different group date challenges and lose both. And now we know where his bloody eye came from. C’mon, did anyone actually think for a second that Lee somehow punched Kenny and caused that? So stupid.
-Again at the group date after party, they made sure to show us Bryan and Rachel’s alone time so their tongues were able to return home to each other. You can only be away for so long before realizing you need to get back to your safe place, you know? We also get Peter’s alone time too and again, both of these guys are so far ahead of the pack, I can’t remember a season where the discrepancy was this big between the top two and the rest of the cast.
-You can’t help but like Kenny. I mean, seriously. How can you not like a guy like that? Gets eliminated and basically is complimenting Rachel the whole time out the door. Never bitched to her, never tried to plead his case to stay, etc. Outside of his spat with Lee which was fully warranted based on what we saw, that’s about as great an edit as you can get. Still amazing to think that Kenny is a wrestler. I hope he gets his break in the wrestling world from this show.
-I thought it was odd how heartbroken Rachel was over sending Alex home and how difficult she made it seem, then we never even got Alex’s reaction from being sent home, did we? Seemed like a fun guy and I know was well liked in the house, but to have Rachel be that distraught but to not get a reaction from him was pretty weird.
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