I’m sure a lot of you saw my tweets all last week promoting the upcoming season of “UnReal.” Well now I can tell you why. Two weeks ago, Hulu approached me about promoting the upcoming season because they were set to drop the full season yesterday on Hulu so people could binge watch. They asked me if I’d help promote it with tweets, pictures, audio, and video clips. Of course I agreed because it completely makes sense with my brand and what I do. I worked with them on past seasons, and this season was no different. Back in May they announced that Hulu was carrying the 4th season, but they never announced an air date. Yesterday, they did in addition to announcing this was the final season. So check that out on Hulu available now, and I want to thank Hulu for the partnership. I’m not sure why people were asking me on Twitter why I didn’t have #ad behind my tweets. I have an honest question for those that asked: Does it matter? Did it change anything? Why do you care so much? But to answer your question as to why I didn’t have it? Because they told me I didn’t need to until my final tweet yesterday. Hopefully that’s a good enough answer for those who asked. I thought it was pretty obvious I was working with them to help promote the season coming up. Not sure why people were clamoring for me to put #ad behind my tweets. It’s funny, because people rip contestants who post tons of ads and litter their social media page with ads. Anyone who’s followed me knows you can probably count on one hand how many times I’ve done it. Then I collaborate with Hulu to promote their show and people whine about me NOT putting #ad on my tweets. What do you even say to people who complained about it? Nothing good if I’m being honest. Can’t win for trying.
With this partnership though comes this week’s podcast guest. I’ve always wanted to get someone on my podcast from “UnReal,” and this week’s guest is none other than Shiri Appleby, who plays Rachel Goldberg. Had a great time talking to her overall about her career, her role as Rachel Goldberg, the impact it’s had on the women’s movement, her directing aspirations and more. Now when you’re dealing with actors and actresses (not reality TV contestants) their time is limited, so a bit of a shorter podcast this week as Shiri was gracious enough to give us 30 minutes of her time. It’ll be up Thursday and I hope you enjoy it. In the meantime, go binge watch the 4th and final season of “UnReal.” I plan on doing it sometime this week.
Nell Kalter’s “Floribama Shore” recap is now up. Read it if you want to laugh. This show is a bigger trainwreck than “Ex on the Beach,” and Nell lives for that sh**. Also, get your “Reader Emails” and “Dr. Reality Steve” emails in for this week. Because of the “He Said, She Said” podcast, a lot of you who HAVE ended up emailing me, ended up being on the show. But for those that are too nervous or don’t want to talk about it on a podcast, by all means, send your emails in and I will answer them.
The “Men Tell All” tapes this Friday in LA. The #1 question on people’s minds is whether or not Lincoln will be in attendance. I can’t imagine under any scenario in which he would be there, or what the point of him being there would be. If you listened to Juliet Litman’s “Bachelor Party” podcast last week with Robert Mills, I got the impression from him that this show wants nothing to do with Lincoln. However, we’ll get our answer for sure on Friday, and I’ll update people on Twitter the second I can confirm if he was there or not. In addition, on that same podcast when talking about the Garrett IG likes, Mills alluded to the fact that we’d hear from Garrett at the MTA. A few of you emailed about that, and here was my take: when I heard him say that, I honestly took it as him simply misspeaking and saying “Men Tell All” instead of “After the Final Rose.” Nothing more. He also in this same podcast said Becca’s girls came to see her in Buffalo on this episode. So yeah, I think sometimes he talks too fast and just screws up. Could Garrett be part of the MTA? I mean, I guess it’s possible. But only once has one of the final two ever showed up at the “Tell All” taping and that was Courtney during Ben’s season. Again, something we’ll find out for sure on Friday, but I thought Mills just misspoke when I first heard it. Of course, if he says, “Well, we’ll hear from Garrett at the ATFR,” then he’s giving away that Garrett made the final two, which he can’t do. So I wouldn’t read much into it.
Ashley Spivey provided an update on the Lincoln case in her Twitter feed on Saturday for those that missed it. Read the whole thread:
I have an update on the case against Lincoln. Confirming some stuff and will update y’all ASAP.
— Ashley Spivey (@AshleySpivey) July 14, 2018
Based on what the spokesman for the DA’s office told her, sounds like this might have a chance of going to trial which, I assume, wouldn’t be good for Lincoln. Yet another reason why I can’t possibly see them making him part of the MTA taping this Friday.
Speaking of Ashley, I asked and you’ve responded. We’ve got a lot of people that want to be part of the “He Said, She Said” podcast, so we’ve already got episode 2 up and ready to go two weeks earlier than I thought we’d release it. If we keep getting people who want to be part of the show, then it looks like this show will be released twice a month instead of one. Keep it coming. To be part of the show, you just need to have Skype, let us know what time zone you’re in, and let us know the best times you’d be able to record and we’ll arrange it.
You can listen to today’s podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in by clicking the player below:
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Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)
Ashley joins me to talk about how you handle keeping an ex’s pictures on your social media pages. Caller Jessica in Texas discusses a toxic friendship she’s currently having (17:35) and then Victoria in San Francisco talks about how she’s dealt with an emotionally abusive ex (42:04). Original theme music is provided by Kate Bass and the song is titled “Blink.”
Your “Bachelor in Paradise” season ending spoilers begin on Page 2…