Welcome back everybody. Been too long. I know a lot of you are now coming back to the site for the first time since probably the day after Colton’s finale, so join us here in the trust tree, won’t you? We’re all friends here. It’s all love. All day every day. Just smooch, smooch, smooch to everyone. Kidding. It’s been quite an interesting two months to say the least, but we’re back at it again with yet another “Bachelorette” season upon us, number 15. Wow. Just had “Bachelorette” #3 on the podcast last week with Jen Schefft Waterman, so if you haven’t checked that out, please do so as it was so fun to take a trip back down memory lane talking about everything she went through from being engaged to Andrew Firestone, breaking it off, then getting her own “Bachelorette” season that was panned by a lot of critics – including myself. Had a lot of “Temptation Island” podcasts over the last two months as well if you wanna listen to what the participants of that show had to say after the fact. However, we’re in the here and now and it’s back your normally scheduled programming here on RealitySteve.com. You’ve got your episode recaps every Tuesday, the “He Said, She Said” podcast with Ashley Spivey every other Tuesday (including Episode #19 dropping today), “Reader Emails” on Wednesdays, my podcast on Thursdays along with “Dr. Reality Steve.” So get your “Reader Emails” and “Dr. Reality Steve” questions in the next two days to make it into this week’s column.
If you have been following the site and my Twitter account over the last two months, some of the things I say in the first couple pages will be repetitive. But way more of you haven’t been here than have, so, I need to give people some updates on things that they may have missed out on.
To start things off, we are less than a month away from the Reality Steve Fan Appreciation Party #5 June 7th at the Rio Hotel in Vegas. There are no spots available to attend. It’s why I start promoting in January since in years past, it’s starting to fill up quicker and quicker. We have over 160 currently attending this year’s party. If, and that’s a big if, but if spots open up, I won’t know until probably the week or so before. So if you are still interested in coming, I can put you on a waiting list and let you know if spots open up. I’m assuming this will be much easier for Vegas locals or anyone that can drive in. If you want to be on the waiting list, just email me and I can put you on. I’ll do a cut off of May 30th of if I can add anyone and let you know. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the biggest party to date.
You can listen to today’s “He Said, She Said” podcast Episode #19 on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in by clicking the player below:
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, RSS, Stitcher, Spotify
Music written by Kate Bass
This episode, Ashley joins me to discuss the spoilers regarding “Game of Thrones,” even though I’ve never seen an episode. Well, one I have. We cover this past Sunday’s episode, so if you haven’t watched yet, you’ve been warned. Our only caller this episode is Katie from FL who joins us to talk about dating when she knows she doesn’t want kids (11:33). Original theme music provided by Kate Bass and the song is titled “Blink.”
For those that are unaware of the show’s filming schedule and asking about where all the spoilers are and what not, let me break it down for you:
-Filming started on Sat, March 16th and just ended this past Friday, May 10th in Greece. That is standard and pretty much lines up with the last 7 “Bachelorette” filming schedules.
-However, the show is premiering 2 weeks earlier than normal. Usually starts on Memorial Day or the week before, so although the spoilers haven’t all been put together, there’s been plenty spoiled here and on my Twitter account as filming was happening.
-You can get caught up on that whenever you’d like, but let me update you on the latest big spoiler that came to me this past Saturday as I was sitting in the theater watching “Avengers: Endgame.” It’s ok, it was my second time seeing it, so I was able to excuse myself without missing out on anything.
-Here was the breakdown of everything I posted from that day. Follow the thread in the tweets by clicking the “>” at the bottom of the tweet. It’ll show you the whole thread of tweets I made.
(MAJOR SPOILER THREAD): Last week I reported Luke was eliminated at the final three rose ceremony and had been hearing rumors that all 4 guys went Greece, but didn’t know why and couldn’t confirm it. I can now confirm they did all go there and here’s why…
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) May 12, 2019
After seeing the promo that ran after last night’s episode, it’s pretty clear to me and to a lot of you who emailed last night, that the scene of Hannah crying and talking about sex and Jesus still loves her even though she’s not a virgin is probably from the dinner portion of her overnight date with Luke where I was told “something happened” and she ended it with him. Granted, editing can be tricky, and that’s yet another clip that doesn’t show Luke in a good light, but I will try to find out for sure if that’s what that’s all about and try and clear up what went down on that date for her to end it. But boy, that clip screamed “slut shaming” from the outside. Lets really hope it’s not that. Because for however bad Luke came across in the first promo with none of the guys liking him (and a lot of the fans already forming an opinion), that certainly is making it about 100x worse what we saw last night. But again, I don’t want to jump to conclusions since Luke isn’t anywhere to be seen. However, knowing what I know and reported, it’s certainly seems to make sense seeing that scene for the first time that it must surround Luke’s exit. I don’t know where else that would fit in with other storylines this season.
So that’s where we’re at right now. Filming just ended days ago. Sometimes I find out the ending right away, sometimes it’s a couple days, sometimes it’s a week. When I know and can get it confirmed from my sources who Hannah chose and if they’re engaged, then I will tell you. I mean, all 14 “Bachelorette” seasons have ended with a proposal, so I would expect this time wouldn’t be any different. Especially coming off Colton’s non-proposal season. But hey, you never know what production of this show has in store. I’ve only got a few small things here and there to fill in on your episode-by-episode stuff. I’m just gauging whether or not I post that before I find out the ending, or wait til I get the ending and you’ll have everything all at once. I’ll keep you updated.